International Human Solidarity Day 2012
Global partnership for building shared prosperity
The General Assembly, on 22 December 2005, by resolution 60/209 identified solidarity as one of the fundamental and universal values that should underlie relations between peoples in the Twenty-first century, and in that regard decided to proclaim 20 December of each year International Human Solidarity Day. At the World Summit for Social Development, Governments committed themselves to the eradication of poverty as an ethical, social, political and economic imperative of humankind.
By resolution 57/265 the General Assembly, on 20 December 2002, established the World Solidarity Fund, which was set up in February 2003 as a trust fund of the United Nations Development Programme. Its objective is to eradicate poverty and promote human and social development in developing countries, in particular among the poorest segments of their populations.
Through initiatives such as the establishment of the World Solidarity Fund to eradicate poverty and the proclamation of International Human Solidarity Day, the concept of solidarity was promoted as crucial in the fight against poverty and in the involvement of all relevant stakeholders.
International Human Solidarity Day serves to remind us about the importance of solidarity for the achievement of the international agreements on social development, including programmes of action of international conferences and multilateral accords. The theme this year is: "Global partnership for building shared prosperity".
Message of the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon English French Spanish Russian Chinese Arabic-coming soon
Message of the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić
Message by the United Nations Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity, Virginia Dandan, to mark the International Human Solidarity Day, 20 December 2012.
Solidarity and the Imperative of Development by Jim Yong Kim, President, The World Bank Group, High-level Knowledge Forum, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, October 15, 2012.
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