OEWG14 Ageing Side Events

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Mon May 20 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Side Event

Imagining a World With a UN Convention On The Rights Of Older Persons

Organizer Permanent Mission of Portugal to the UN and the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.8

GAROP is partnering with the Josef und Luise Kraft Stiftung, a GAROP member organization, to organize a side event at the 14th session of the OEWG from 20-24th May 2024. The Permanent Mission of Portugal to the UN and the National Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines are co-sponsoring the side event.  

The side event will center the voices of older people, make ample space for audience participation and will have a hopeful and forward-looking tone and focus. 

The main objectives of the side event are:

1. To raise awareness of the positive change that a UN convention on the rights of older people would bring about in older people’s everyday lives.

2. To stimulate discussion around some key concepts that will be fundamental for a new UN convention, such as ageism, autonomy, and dignity.

3. To build solidarity around the experiences and aspirations of older people in different regions of the world.

UN Webcast Live Webcast

Mon May 20 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Side Event

The role of the European Union as a global human rights actor: What about the promotion of human rights in older age?

Organizer Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany, AGE Platform Europe and BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.2

The European Union (EU) is an important global and regional human rights actor. The side event aims to shed light onto the role of the EU to promote the human rights in older age. The discussion is particularly timely in the context of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament taking place in June 2024. Objective of the side event is to provide a platform for discussion between Member States, civil society organizations, national human rights institutions, international organizations and other stakeholders to debate about the following questions:

- How does the EU promote the human rights in older age internally?

- How can the EU support / work with third countries? (i.e. EU policies with an external dimension)

- What is the role of the EU as a regional actor in the UN and at multilateral level?


  • Opening remarks
    • Nicole Zündorf-Hinte, Head of Delegation to the OEWG-A of the Federal Republic of Germany
    • Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf, President of AGE Platform Europe and BAGSO board member
  • Panel discussion followed by a Q&A session
    • Representative of the European Union
    • HE Ambassador Ana Jiménez de la Hoz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations
    • Tena Šimonović Einwalter, Ombudswoman of the Republic of Croatia
    • Sion Jones, Amnesty International
  • Closing

Moderation: Dr Nena Georgantzi, AGE Platform Europe

Conference language will be English.

UN Webcast Live Webcast

Mon May 20 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm


Organizer UN DESA and NGO Committee on Ageing
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.A

Tue May 21 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Side Event

Energizing Anti-Ageism Activism

Organizer Gray Panthers
Format of the Event Virtual

The panelists are: Tracey Gendron, author of Ageism Unmasked; Ken Dychtwald, Founder of Age Wave and one of the USA's most prominent gerontologists; and Jordan from Art Against Ageism.

The event aims to invigorate anti-ageism activism by drawing upon the wisdom of leaders in the field. It explores actionable initiatives where citizens can enact lasting change to address the pervasive effects of ageism. Dating back to 1974, the Gray Panthers, the event's sponsor, recognized ageism as a crucial element of social justice movements. In a seminal statement, they emphasized the need to confront ageism, likening its impact to that of racism and sexism.

Over the decades, ageism has only become more apparent, but so too have efforts to combat it. These efforts span global, regional, national, and local levels, presenting an opportunity for collective action. The event's goal is to pinpoint one or two tangible, feasible projects that can be undertaken by Gray Panthers NYC and their allies worldwide. By mobilizing individuals across generations, we can turn ideals into action, fostering an environment of mutual support and understanding between the young and the old. Let's make it a collaborative endeavor, promoting "Age and Youth in Action."

Zoom Registration Required: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscOGtrT0uGtLc52bAsKGdZUK03OKXCh-v 

Virtual Platform Link https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscOGtrT0uGtLc52bAsKGdZUK03OKXCh-v

Tue May 21 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Promoting Inclusive Ageing Through Technology: Collaborative Perspectives and Use Cases.

Organizer UNITAR and GIA
Format of the Event In-Person

Through engaging discussions and illustrative use cases, this panel will highlight successful initiatives and best practices that support ageing populations in participating fully in public life and the decision-making processes. From innovative telecommunication solutions to age-friendly infrastructure and inclusive health services, attendees will gain valuable insights into collaborative approaches to address the evolving needs of aging populations.

UN Webcast Live Webcast
Virtual Platform Link https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k17/k17i0j6awm

Tue May 21 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

The Right to Participation in Public Life and the Right to Decision-making: A discussion of the rights and contributions of older persons.

Organizer International Longevity Centre Canada & the Mission of Canada
Format of the Event In-Person

This event will be hosted with the support of the Mission of Canada.

Title: The Right to Participation in Public Life and the Right to Decision-making: A discussion of the rights and contributions of older persons.

Ms. Margaret Gillis, Moderator One.

His Excellency Bob Rae, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN - welcoming remarks and setting the stage.

The Honorable Seamus O’Regan, Minster of Labour and Minister for Seniors Canada (invited).

Her Excellency Ana Paula Zacarias, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Portugal to the UN (invited).

Dr. Kathleen Ross, President of the Canadian Medical Association .

Dr. Alex Kalache - President ILC Brazil, Former Director WHO Program on Aging.

Ms. Amal Abou Rafeh, Chief, Programme on Ageing, UN DESA.

Dr. Kiran Rabheru - Moderator Two: Q & A and thank you.

UN Webcast Live Webcast

Tue May 21 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm


Organizer UN DESA and NGO Committee on Ageing
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.A

Wed May 22 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Health and Rights of Older Persons in Captivity

Organizer WePower – Women's Electoral Power for the Advancement of Women's Leadership in Israel
Format of the Event Virtual
Location Online

Health and Rights of Older Persons in Captivity

Side Event

During the 14th Session of the United Nations Open Working Group on Ageing

Wednesday, 22nd May

New York: 13:00 Geneva: 19:00 Jerusalem: 20:00 New Delhi: 23:30

REGISTRATION: https://tinyurl.com/ms2d53wc

Virtual Platform Link https://tinyurl.com/ms2d53wc

Wed May 22 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Presentation of the Declaration of ICHROP from Vienna, 2023 and Discussion on Way Forward

Calendar OEWG14 Ageing
Organizer Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.8
UN Webcast No Webcast

Wed May 22 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm


Organizer UN DESA and NGO Committee on Ageing
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.A


Fri May 24 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm

Bridging the Gap: National Human Rights Institutions Protecting and Upholding Older Persons’ Rights

Organizer Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), Permanent Mission of Georgia (tbc) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human RightS
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.12

Event hosted by GANHRI on the sidelines of the 14th UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) and the Annual Review Meeting of the GANHRI UNDP OHCHR Tripartite

Partnership with the co-sponsorship of the Permanent Mission of Georgia (tbc) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme

UN Webcast Live Webcast

Fri May 24 | 1:15pm - 2:30pm


Organizer UN DESA and NGO Committee on Ageing
Format of the Event In-Person
Location CR.A