Men in Families
The UN Programme on Family launched a New Publication called "Men in Families" on 17 February at the United Nations in New York.
In keeping with the objectives of the International Year of the Family, and based on existing research, the current publication aims to promote the knowledge of trends affecting families and increase awareness of family issues among Governments as well as in the private sector. It is also hoped that the study will stimulate efforts to develop family-oriented policies focusing attention upon the rights and responsibilities of all family members. Promoting knowledge of the economic, social and demographic processes affecting families and their members is indispensable to design appropriate course of action to assist families in fulfilling their numerous functions. These overall considerations have guided the preparations of the current publication, which addresses the issue of the evolving roles of men in families and the corresponding need to develop social policies supporting these new roles for the benefit of families.
Gary Barker: Evolving Men? Men, families, gender equality and care
Margaret O'Brien: Fathers in challenging family contexts: a need for engagement
Margaret O'Brien: Review of leave policies
UN Radio - Interview with Gary Barker