Publications on Education
- Report “E/C.19/2005/9 – Report of the 4th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Millennium Development Goals and Indigenous Peoples with a focus on Goal 1 to Eradicate Poverty and Extreme Hunger, and Goal 2 to achieve universal primary education” (2005) |AR| EN| ES| FR| RU| ZH|
- Study “E/C.19/2013/17 Study on how the knowledge, history and contemporary social circumstances of indigenous peoples are embedded in the curricula of education systems by Myrna Cunningham and Álvaro Pop” (2013)
- Podcast #76: The right of indigenous peoples to education that’s appropriate to their culture is recognized. But is it realized?” (June 2013) |EN|
- Article “Bringing Indigenous Knowledge into Education” |EN|
- Article “Indigenous Peoples: Rights, Education and Some Promising Progress from Mexico” (May 2011) |EN|
- Article “How can medical schools contribute to the education, recruitment and retention of rural physicians in their region?” (February 2010) |EN|
- Multimedia teacher education programme “Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability” |EN|