Write the United Nations World Youth Report 2013 with us!

Issue: Youth


Write the United Nations World Youth Report 2013 with us!

martes, 29 enero 2013

Write the United Nations World Youth Report 2013 with us!

The Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA-DSPD) is in the process of preparing its 2013 World Youth Report (WYR) on Youth Migration and Development. The Report will offer a multidimensional account and/or perspective of the life experiences of young migrants and young people affected by migration. 

The report will address youth migration from a youth viewpoint, accommodating young peoples’ concerns over migration from their own perspectives, based on their own experiences, and in their own voices. For this purpose, UNDESA-DSPD Focal Point on Youth invites young people between the ages of 15 and 35 to share their views on the opportunities, challenges, and the impacts of migration on them. You can participate in many of the online interactive activities including e-consultations, Google+ hangout and surveys that began on 23 January, 2013.

You can also join the conversation on our social media platforms:

Follow us on Twitter: @UN4Youth

Follow the conversation using hashtag: #youthmigration

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNyouthyear

Posted in : Youth