45th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD45)

45th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD45)

Priority Theme: “Promoting Full Employment And Decent Work For All”

The 45th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD45) took place from 7 to 16 February 2007 at UN Headquarters in New York under the priority theme “Promoting Full Employment And Decent Work For All”.

The CSocD45 considered the review cycle on the priority theme as well as the review of relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups.

On the priority theme, the Commission heard a keynote address by Les Kettledas, the Deputy Director General for Labour Policy and Labour Market Programmes of the Department of Labour of South Africa and held three panel discussions elaborating on the priority theme: macroeconomic policy for full employment and decent work; labour mobility, youth and families; and good practices for promoting employment and decent work. The Chairperson’s summary of the discussions on the priority theme is contained in annex I to the present report.

The Commission adopted a resolution entitled “Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”, according to which the Economic and Social Council would recommend that the Commission should continue to give prominence to and raise awareness of the social dimensions of the New Partnership during its forty-sixth session.

In connection with its review of plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups, the Commission adopted a resolution on modalities for the first review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002. To launch the first cycle of the five-year review of the Madrid Plan, a panel discussion was organized to bring before the Commission experts with in-depth knowledge of major challenges and progress in the area of ageing since the holding of the Second World Assembly on Ageing. The Chairperson’s summary of the panel discussion is contained in annex II to the present report. The Commission also heard a presentation on the upcoming publication of the Secretary-General’s World Youth Report 2007.

The Commission recommended to the Economic and Social Council the adoption of a resolution on youth. The Commission further recommended, through the Council, the adoption of a resolution by the General Assembly on a supplement to the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond. The Commission addressed “youth employment: impact, challenges and opportunities for social development” under its emerging issues item. The Chairperson’s summary of the discussion, which is contained in annex III to the present report, emphasizes the centrality of youth employment to social development through its contribution to poverty alleviation, social integration, intergenerational dialogue, citizenship and solidarity.

Final Report on the Forty-Fifth Session of the Commission for Social Development, E/2007/26-E/CN.5/2007/8
Русский | عربي | 汉语

Final Report on the Forty-Fifth Session of the Commission for Social Development, E/2007/26-E/CN.5/2007/8
English | Français | Español

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Official Documents


Please note that all the Resolutions adopted by the Commission are published in the Final Report of the Commission, in all UN official languages:

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Members of the Bureau:

Function Name Country

H.E. Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi



H.E. Mr. Francis Lorenzo

Dominican Republic


Ms. Hedda Samson



Mrs. Joyce Kafanabo



Mr. Volodymyr Pekarchuk
