Watch all the CSocD60 events on UN WebTV and on UN DESA DISD's YouTube channel.
The 60th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD60) took place from 7 to 16 February 2022 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Taking into account the prevailing conditions relating to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Commission was convened in a hybrid format, with its opening and closing meetings held in person and its general discussion and panel discussions held virtually.
The Commission deliberated on the priority theme “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda”. It also reviewed relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups, as well as the social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development. The Commission held a high-level panel discussion on the priority theme, a ministerial forum, a high-level panel discussion on emerging issues, a multi-stakeholder forum on the priority theme to share solutions and an interactive dialogue with senior officials of the United Nations system on the priority theme. A total of 24 Ministers and Vice-Ministers participated in the general discussion of the Commission.
Final Report
Report on the 60th Session of the Commission for Social Development – CSocD60
English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
Chair’s Summaries
- Priority theme “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda.”
- Ministerial Forum on “Strengthening multilateralism to deliver well-being and dignity for all by addressing food insecurity and the eradication of poverty, including through the promotion of sustainable food systems”
- Emerging issues on “National policies and measures implemented by Member States to combat hunger and poverty in times of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and beyond: Challenges to getting on track towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda”
- Multi-stakeholder Forum on the priority theme
- Interactive dialogue with senior officials of the UN Systems on the priority theme
Priority Theme
Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Emerging Issue
National policies and measures implemented by Member States to combat hunger and poverty in times of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Challenges to get on track towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Review of relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups
(i) Outcome document of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities: the way forward, a disability-inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond
(ii) World Programme of Action for Youth
(iii) Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002; (iv) Family issues, policies and programmes
Video Message from H.E. Ms. María del Carmen Squeff, Chair of UN 60th Commission for Social Development
Members of the Bureau
The Bureau of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) plays a vital role in facilitating the preparation for, and in ensuring the successful outcome of the session. The Bureau for the 60th session (2022) comprises the following members:
Function | Name | Country |
Chair | H.E. Ms. María del Carmen Squeff | Argentina |
Vice-Chairpersons | Mr. Stefano Guerra | Portugal |
Ms. Hellen M. Chifwaila (Designate) |
Zambia |
Mr. Jiakun Guo (Designate) |
China |
Ms. Iwona Lula (Designate) |
Poland |
Organization of the Session
- Current membership (as of 3 September 2021)
- Proposed organization of work (as of 31 January 2022)
Official Documents
- Provisional annotated agenda and proposed organization of work (E/CN.5/2022/1) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (E/CN.5/2022/2) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda (E/CN.5/2022/3) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Preliminary assessment of the fourth review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002 (E/CN.5/2022/4) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Implementation of the objectives of the International Year of the Family and its follow-up processes (A/77/61–E/2022/4) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- National policies and measures implemented by Member States to combat hunger and poverty in times of the coronavirus disease pandemic and beyond: challenges to get on track towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda (E/CN.5/2022/5) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Provisional agenda and documentation for the sixty-first session of the Commission (E/CN.5/2022/L.1) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Organization of the session (E/CN.5/2022/L.2) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda (E/RES/2022/7) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (E/RES/2022/6) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
- Priority theme of the sixty-first session of the Commission for Social Development (E/CN.5/2022/L.5) English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉
Opening Session and High-level Panel Discussions
List of Panellists (as of 7 February 2022)
Profile of Panellists (as of 8 February 2022)
The opening session will take place on 7 February 2022 from 10am to 11am (EST, New York time). The opening will feature the following:
• H.E. Ms. Maria del Carmen Squeff, Chair of the sixtieth session of the Commission for Social Development
• H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of the General Assembly
• H.E. Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the Economic and Social Council
• Ms. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
• Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
• Ms. Maria-Laura Fornella-Oehninger and Ms. Monica Jahangir-Chowdhury, CoChairs of the NGO Committee on Social Development
• Ms. Lynrose Jane D. Genon, Youth Representative
Priority Theme on “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda”, Monday, 7 February 2022, 3:00 – 5:00pm, virtual meeting
Ministerial Forum on “Strengthening multilateralism to deliver well-being and dignity for all by addressing food insecurity and the eradication of poverty, including through the promotion of sustainable food systems” Tuesday 8 February 2022, 10:00am – 12:00pm, virtual meeting
Emerging issues on “National policies and measures implemented by Member States to combat hunger and poverty in times of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and beyond: Challenges to getting on track towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda”, Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 10:00am – 12:00pm, virtual meeting
Interactive dialogue with senior officials of the UN Systems on the priority theme, Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, virtual meeting
Multi-stakeholder Forum on the priority theme, Thursday, 10 February 2022, 10:00am – 12:00pm, virtual meeting
Her Excellency María del Carmen Squeff, Permanent Representative Ambassador of Argentina and Chair of the CSocD60 convened an informal virtual briefing on the preparations of the Commission on 18 January 2022 from 10am to 11am. The briefing featured highlights of the CSocD60 by Ms. Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Inclusive Social Development, UNDESA. Watch the video of the briefing.
Inter-session informal preparatory meeting on the priority theme “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, well-being and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda”, 9 December from 10am to 1pm (EST - New York time) Video of the meeting
- Presentation by Mr. Máximo Torero Cullen, the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -- “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2021”
- Presentation by Mr. Benjamin Davis, Director of the Division of Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -- “Social protection and effect on rural areas and agriculture”
Expert Group Meeting on “Inclusive and resilient recovery from COVID-19 for sustainable livelihoods, wellbeing and dignity for all: eradicating poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions to achieve the 2030 Agenda”: In preparation for the CSocD60, UNDESA convened a virtual Expert Group Meeting on the priority theme on 29 - 30 July and 2 - 3 August 2021 | Final Report of the Virtual Expert Group Meeting
Civil Society Forum
During the Commission for Social Development, the NGO Committee on Social Development is dedicated to raising awareness on the Priority Theme and bringing the voices, experiences, and recommendations from the grassroots. The NGO Committee holds a Civil Society Forum and other capacity-building and network events on the occasion of the Commission. Live interpretation in French and Spanish will be available. Flyer of the Forum.
Civil Society Declaration
We invite you to share the Declaration in your networks! All signatures received by NGOs and individuals around the world will be shared with Governments and the United Nations at the opening of the 60th session of the Commission for Social Development on February 7th, 2022. Click here to view the Civil Society Declaration | Sign in support of the Civil Society Declaration 2022!
NGO Participation
- UNDESA facilitates the participation of NGOs in the sessions of the CSocD. NGOs that are accredited to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) may designate representatives to attend the annual sessions of the CSocD. Learn more about the UN ECOSOC accreditation.
- Modalities of NGO Participation and Registration: The deadline is 28 January 2022.
- Request to be heard at the 2022 Commission for Social Development (CSocD60). The deadline is 28 January 2022.
[accordion clicktoclose="true"] [accordion-item title="NGO Written Statements"]
- International Movement ATD Fourth World
- International Cooperative Alliance
- International Federation for Family Development
- International Federation of the Associations of the elderly (FIAPA)
- Doha International Family Institute
- Women’s Federation for World Peace International
- Coordinadora Europea de Familias Numerosas (ELFAC)
- International Relations Students’ Association of McGill University
- Salesian Missions and Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo
- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
- United Nations Association of Russia
- UFER – United for Equity and Ending Racism
- Concepts of Truth, Inc. and The Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence
- Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society
- Shrimad Rajchandra Sarvamangal Trust
- African Cultural Promotions Inc, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, Heal the Land Initiative, Irene Menakaya Schools Onitsha
- Asaba Home Diaspora Development Initiative
- Fondation d’entreprise Sanofi Espoir
- Associação Jadir de Taekwondo
- Make Mothers Matter – with the support of Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc., Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary International Alliance of Women, International Presentation Association, Salesian Mission Inc., Soroptimist International, UNANIMA International, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund Inc., Women’s Federation for World Peace International
- Casa Generalizia della Società del Sacro Cuore; Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd; Congregation of the Mission; Congregations of St. Joseph; Curia Generalizia Agostiniana; Dominican Leadership Conference; Edmund Rice International, LLC; Fondazione Proclade Internazionale-Onlus; Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Loreto Generalate; International Presentation Association; Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto); Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers; Passionists International; Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary; Salesian Missions Inc.; School Sisters of Notre Dame; Sisters of Charity Federation; Sisters of Mercy of the Americas; Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur; Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries; UNANIMA International; VIVAT International
- Transdiaspora Network
- International Association of Independent Journalists Inc
- Miss Caricom Int’l. Foundation CIP, INC
- New Humanity
- Hellenic Association of Political Scientists
- Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate
- Passionists International
- Red Dot Foundation
- Fondazione PROCLADE Internazionaleonlus
- International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE)
- International Federation of Social Workers
- Baltic Sea Forum e.V
- Association for Supporting the SDGs for the United Nations
- VIVAT International and Fondazione Proclade Internationale Onlus
- Priests for Life
- FEMM Foundation
- DePaul University
- International Presentation Association and UNANIMA International
- International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW)
- World Youth Alliance
- Soroptimist International
- Women’s Health and Education Center
- Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International Presentation Association, Sisters of Charity Federation, and UNANIMA International
- International Council of Women, International Council of Psychologists and Kolping International
- Sisters of Charity Federation, Company of the Daughters of Charity, Congregation of the Mission, International Association of Charities, International Confederation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Side Events
- Please read very carefully the instructions! for organizing a virtual side event during the CSocD60.
- Please note that each side event organizer is responsible for hosting and choosing their virtual event platform.
Draft List of Side Events (as of 14 January 2022)
We need solidarity, political will and innovative policy action to protect vulnerable people and their well-being, and uphold the right to health, including access to information, care and medical services.
* When Everyone is Included, Everyone Benefits. *
Learn more about ‘Everyone Included: Social Impact of COVID-19’.
Promotional Videos
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- Use #CSocD60 as the main hashtag
- Other hashtags: #EndPoverty #ZeroHunger #FoodSystems and #EveryoneIncluded for all your tweets on the 60th Commission for Social Development.
- Planning a special event for #CSocD60? We want to know! Tweet or email us at