48th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD48)

48th Session of the Commission for Social Development

Priority Theme: “Social Integration”

At its forty-eighth regular session, held from 3 to 12 February 2010, which was the policy year of a biennial cycle, the Commission for Social Development considered the priority theme “Social integration” and reviewed relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups. As a result of the biennial consideration of the priority theme on “Social integration”, the Commission adopted, for the first time in its history, a draft resolution entitled “Promoting social integration” and recommended it to the Economic and Social Council for adoption.

The Commission held two high-level panel discussions: one on the fifteenth anniversary of the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995), and the other on the priority theme “Social integration”, taking into account the relationship with poverty eradication and full employment and decent work for all.

Under the agenda item entitled “Emerging issues”, the Commission discussed policy responses on employment and the social consequences of the financial and economic crisis, including its gender dimension.

In connection with its review of relevant United Nations plans and programmes of action pertaining to the situation of social groups, the Commission heard a presentation by the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on disability. The Commission adopted draft resolutions entitled “Mainstreaming disability in the development agenda”, “Future implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2012”, and “Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”, and recommended to the Economic and Social Council their adoption. In the draft resolution entitled “Future organization and methods of work of the Commission”, the Commission decided that the priority theme for the 2011-2012 review and policy cycle would be “Poverty eradication”, taking into account its relationship with social integration and full employment and decent work for all. In addition, it recommended that the officers elected to the Bureau of the Commission serve for a term of office of two years, in parallel with the review and policy cycle.

In addition to the priority theme on Social Integration, the Commission reviewed relevant United Nations programmes and plans of action pertaining to the situation of various social groups, especially persons with disabilities and older persons. It also addressed “Policy responses on employment and the social consequences of the financial and economic crisis, including its gender dimension” as the emerging issue. In connection with those issues, the Commission adopted three resolutions. Two other resolutions were passed at the 48th session, one on the future organization and methods of work of the Commission and another one on the Social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development.

Final Report on the forty-eighth session:
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Official Documents


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Members of the Bureau:

Function Name Country

H.E. Mr. Leslie Kojo Christian



Ms. Connie Taracena Secaira



Ms. Shoko Fujimoto



Mr. Miloslav Hettes



Mr. Christian Sieber
