
UNPFII Sixteenth Session 24 April to 5 May 2017

Sixteenth Session24 April to 5 May 2017

UN Headquarters, New York

Special Theme: “Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration”

16th Session Report |ARENESFRRUZH|

16th Session Attendance |EN|


The Secretariat of the Permanent Forum sent questionnaires to Member States, Indigenous Peoples, the UN System, National Human Rights Institutions. The responses received by the deadline are compiled by the Secretariat of the Forum in an official document that is submitted to the 16th session of the Permanent Forum.

15th Session Recommendations

  • Recommendations to Member States   EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • Recommendations to the UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes   EN | ES | FR | RU |


  • Member States  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • UN System  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • National Human Rights Institutions  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • Indigenous Peoples Organizations / Institutions and NGOs   EN | ES | FR | RU |

Expert group meeting on the Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: the role of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and other indigenous-specific mechanisms (article 42). More information here >>>

The Pre-sessional meeting of the Members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will be held from 27 February to 3 March 2017 in Ottawa, Canada. The pre-sessional meeting is hosted by the Government of Canada.
Read the press release >>>

Provisional Agenda

Provisional agenda for Permanent Forum Sixteenth Session – | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

1. Election of officers. – TEST

2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.

3. Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum:

(a) Empowerment of indigenous women;
(b) Indigenous youth.

4. Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

5. Dialogue with indigenous peoples.
6. Dialogue with Member States.
7. Dialogue with the funds, programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nations system.
8. Discussion on the theme “Tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration”.
9. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
10. Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with regard to indigenous human rights defenders.
11. Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples:
(a) Implementation of national action plans, strategies or other measures;
(b) Ways to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples at the United Nations;
(b) Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples.
12. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues.
13. Provisional agenda for the seventeenth session.
14. Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its sixteenth session.

Programme of Work

Proposed organization of work  AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

10 a.m.-1 p.m. 1-3 p.m. 3-6 p.m.



11 am: Opening of the session, General Assembly Hall


  • Ceremonial sound of a conch, a traditional instrument by Ms. Mónica Michelena Díaz (Charrúa, Uruguay)
  • Declaration of the opening of the session by Mr. Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  • Ceremonial welcome by the traditional Chief of the Onondaga Nation, Tadodaho Sid Hill
  • Election of the Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (Item 1)
  • Statement by the Vice President of the 71th session of the General Assembly on behalf of the President of the UN General Assembly,  H.E. Peter Thomson |EN|
  • Statement by the Vice President of ECOSOC, H. E. Ambassador Cristián Barros Melet |EN|
  • Election of the Bureau of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (Item 1 cont.)
  • Adoption of the Agenda and Programme of Work (Item 2)
  • Statement by Ms. Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine, Chairperson of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |FREN|
  • Statement by Mr. Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs |EN|
  • Statement by Ms. Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs of Canada
  • Statement by Ms. Lakshmi Puri, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women |EN|





Discussion on the theme: “Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration.” (Item 8)


  • Report: Tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration | AR | EN ES FR | RU | ZH

[Speaker’s list]


25  April
[High-level event of the General Assembly to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples]

Venue: General Assembly Hall

Information on commemorations >>>




Side Events Discussion on the theme: “Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration.” (Item 8)


  • Report: International expert group meeting on the theme “Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: the role of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and other indigenous-specific mechanisms (article 42)”  | AR | EN ES FR RU | ZH

[Speaker’s list]


26 April
Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Item 4)


[Speaker’s list]


Side Events Closed meeting for Permanent Forum members
27  April
Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Item 4 continued)


[Speaker’s list]


Side Events Follow-up on the recommendations of the Permanent Forum: (Item 3)


  • Report: Update on the implementation of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AR | EN ES FR RU | ZH

(a) Empowerment of indigenous women;

  • Video- message by Amb. Antonio Patriota de Aguiar, Chair of the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

(b) Indigenous Youth

  • Statement by the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus
  • Statement by Ms. Nicola Shepherd, co-chair on behalf of the United Nations Inter Agency Network on Youth Development (UN-IANYD)

[Speaker’s list]


28 April
Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples: (Item 11)


(a) Implementation of national action plans, strategies or other measures;

(b) Ways to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples at the United Nations;

(c) Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples.

  • Report: Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples | AR | EN ES FR RU | ZH

[Speaker’s list]


Side Events Dialogue with the funds, programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nations system (closed meeting)


(Item 7)

Questionnaires for the UN System  EN

  • Report: Compilation of information received from agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental bodies on progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AR | EN ES FR RU | ZH

Agenda for the Closed meeting Agenda Dialogue with the Funds programmes and agencies of the United Nations system_28 April_3 to 6 PM_final

[Interactive dialogue]


Second week 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 1-3 p.m. 3-6 p.m.
1 May
Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples with regard to indigenous human rights defenders (Item 10)


[Interactive dialogue]


Side Events Dialogue with the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with regard to indigenous human rights defenders (Item 10 continued)


[Speaker’s list] 


2 May
(Item 5)


Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples (closed meeting)

Questionnaires for Indigenous Peoples Organizations    EN | ES | FR | RU |

  • Report: Compilation of information received from indigenous peoples’ organizations  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH|

[Interactive dialogue]

Side Events (Item 3)


Dialogue with Member States (closed meeting)

Proposed Agenda

Questionnaires for Member States  EN | ES | FR | RU |

  • Report: Compilation of information from Member States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AR | EN | ES FR RU | ZH

[Interactive dialogue]

3 May
Closed meeting for the Permanent Forum members  Side Events Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Item 4 continued)


[Speaker’s list]

WebcastENRU| ES| FRAR| ZH|

4 May
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Item 9)


  • Statement by Ms. Bivar, Chair of the UN Statistical Commission (via video conference link)
  • Statement by Ms. Zubcevic, Division for Sustainable Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)


[Speaker’s list]


Side Events Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues (Item 12)


[Speaker’s list]

WebcastENRU| ES| FRAR| ZH|



5 May

Closed meeting for Permanent Forum members Side Events Provisional agenda for the sixteenth session of the Permanent Forum (Item 13)


Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its sixteenth session (Item 14)

Statement by the Chairperson of the sixteenth session of the Permanent Forum

Ceremonial closing of the session



Submitted by the Secretariat of the UNPFII: 

  • Provisional Agenda | AR | EN | ES FR RU | ZH
  • Proposed organization of work | AR | EN | ES FR RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/2 Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples | AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/3 Update on the implementation of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/4 Tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration | AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/5 Indigenous peoples and the 2030 Agenda  | AREN | ES | FR RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/5 /Corr.1 Corrigendum to Indigenous peoples and the 2030 Agenda | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/6 Compilation of information from Member States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/7 Compilation of information received from indigenous peoples’ organizations  | AREN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/8 Compilation of information received from agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental bodies on progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum | AREN | ES | FR RU | ZH
  •  E/C.19/2017/9 Compilation of information from national human rights institutions | AREN ES FR RU | ZH
  • E/C.19/2017/10 International expert group meeting on the theme “Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: the role of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and other indigenous-specific mechanisms (article 42)”  | AR EN ES FR RU | ZH

Responses to questionnaire submitted by Governments: Information received from:

  • Argentina | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Australia | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Bolivia | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Denmark and Greenland | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • El Salvador | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Honduras | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Mexico | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Peru | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Paraguay | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

Responses to questionnaire submitted by the UN System:

  • Economic Commission for latin America and the Caribbean | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Food and Agriculture Organization | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
    • FAO Annex | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Global Compact | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • International Labour organization | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Office of the Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and on the Responsibility to Protect | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • PAHO  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (SCBD) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
    • UNICEF matrix | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • UN Women | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • World Bank | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
    • World Bank Letter | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

Responses to questionnaire submitted by National Human Rights Institutions:

  • Argentina | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Australia | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Canada | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Denmark | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Indonesia | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Kenya | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • New Zealand | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Nicaragua | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

Responses to questionnaire submitted by Indigenous Peoples Organizations / Institutions and NGOs:

  • Aboriginal Rights Coalition  | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Asociacion Qhana Pukara | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Congres Populaire Coutumier Kanak | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Federation des ONG en Kanaky | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Indian Law Resource Center | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Khoe-San Indigenous Women | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • National Indian Youth Council | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Nation of Hawaii | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Observatorio de Pueblos Indigenas (Guatemala) | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Office of Hawaiian Affairs | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Senat Coutumier de la Nouvelle-Caledonie | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH
  • Union des Peuples Autochtones pour le Reveil au Developpement | AR | EN | ES | FR | RU | ZH

Other documents

  • Proposed Agenda – Dialogue with Member States (closed meeting) – Item 3

Submitted by Indigenous Peoples Organizations

On-site Registration

Registration is now closed.

If your registration was pre-approved, please refer to the following information.

On-site Registration (for pre-approved participants only)

For Representatives who do NOT have a UN grounds pass:

  • Please bring your letter of confirmation (it be downloaded online at: and a government issued photo identification (passports, state issued driver’s license and similar documents) to facilitate the issuance of your Temporary Ground‐Pass. If you have not been approved and if you do not have a confirmation letter, you will not be able to obtain a grounds pass.
  • Registration will take place in the United Nations Pass and ID office located at 320 East 45th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenue).
  • Please wear your Temporary Ground Pass with you all times during the UNPFII. It is the ONLY valid pass for Non‐UN Ground Pass holders to enter the UN building (on 47th street and 1st Avenue) and UNPFII conference rooms.

For Representatives who already have a UN grounds pass:

  • Please bring your UN grounds pass to our HelpDesk located in the UN Pass and ID office, at 320 East 45th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenue) to mark you as having attended.
  • If you do not register, the United Nations will have a record of attendance of your organization.

Registration hours:

Sunday, 23 April: 12 to 4 p.m.

Monday, 24 April 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday, 25 April 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Wednesday, 26 April. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Thursday, 27 April 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday, 28 April 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Monday, 1 May. 9-11 a.m.

Tuesday, 2 May 9-11 a.m.

Wednesday, 3 May 9-11 a.m.

To view/print your confirmation letter: click here (Link:

To update your organization’s profile: click here (Link:

Side Events

Several side events take place at lunch time, evenings and during closed meetings of the Permanent Forum at UN premises and outside. They are organized by Indigenous Peoples Organizations, Member States, UN entities, and other intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and others.

Please be advised as we try to accommodate as many requests as possible for side events, we might not be able to fulfill all requests.

Please click here to register your side event >>>>. The registration is now CLOSED. For any inquiries or questions, please contact Elías Centellas at:

Find below a draft list of side events that will take place during first and second week of the Permanent Forum:

The UN FF Building is located at 304 EAST 45TH STREET

If your event is listed and you have yet to receive a confirmation email, we apologize in advance and promise to contact you soon. Thank you for your patience.

Please note that these lists are subject to change as side events are added and/or cancelled throughout the week.

PFII Side Events – First Week, April 24-28 

Session Room Event Organiser(s)
13:15-14:30 CR4 Effective and Meaningful Participation in the UNPFII


EN | ES FR | RU |

United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples and DOCIP
  FF Building* Amartya Sen Room Crimean Tatars in 2017: Keeping the Dream Alive Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People
  FF Building* Rio Room Our Way Forward: A Cross-Movement Dialogue to Defend and Advance Our Rights MADRE & Rosa Luxemburg Stifting-NYC
  CR9 People of the Land and HIV Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
  CR6 UN Voluntary for Indigenous Peoples; Increasing indigenous peoples’ impact at the UN for over 30 years Permanent Mission of Finland


UN Voluntary for Indigenous Peoples

  CR8 Screening of 43 minute documentary film on Mapuche Traditional Knowledge in Chile (EN) California Western School of Law  
16:30-18:00 CRB Empowerment of the Indigenous Women in Odisha: A Case Study of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences
18:15-20:00 CR4 Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls Canada, Mexico, United States


13:15-14:30 CR4 Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, and Biodiversity International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB), Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Indigenous Women Network on Biodiversity (IWNB).
  CRB Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Opportunities in Canada Assembly of First Nations
  FF Building *Rio Room Assessing the Implementation of the UNDRIP in Asia on its 10th Anniversary Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP); Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus; International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and others TBC
  FF Building* Amartya Sen Room Empowerment and cultures appreciation with an integrated approach – towards sustainable future Hecho por Nosotros
  CR9 Launching of IWGIA’s yearbook “The Indigenous World 2017” / “El Mundo Indígena 2017” International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
  CR11 Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations
  CR8 The Draft WIPO Practical Guide on Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities – Indigenous Perspectives WIPO
  CR7 Indigenous women’s empowerment as a gender equality strategy FAO, Mexico, International Indigenous Women’s Forum, Canada (tbc), Guatemala (tbc)
15:00-16:30 CRB Violence to Lakota Women Water Protectors Indigenous Environmental Network
16:30-18:00 CRB National Human Rights Institutions Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions


Flyer: | EN | ES | FR | RU


10:00-11:30 CRB Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact in Amazon Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation (ACTO)
13:15-14:30 CR4 Achievements and Challenges for the Empowerment of Indigenous Youth after Ten Years of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples



IFAD/FILAC/ILC/SLOW FOOD/Indigenous Youth Network Latin America and the Caribbean
  CR5 Indigenous Peoples, Climate Change and Decent Work: Empowering the Change Agents ILO
  CRB Framework for a Global Indigenous Peoples’ Program for the Green Climate Fund Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education)
  FF Building* 6th Floor Conference Room The Effects of Energy Development and the Environmental Impact/Climate Change on Indigenous Peoples Southwest Native Cultures
  FF Building* Amartya Sen Room WIN Games 2017 WIN Sport International
  FF Building* Stockholm Room International Exchange and Protection of Indigenous Seeds University of Wisconsin-Madison
  FF Building* Rio Room Comparative Perspectives on the implementation of the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples Intercultural School of Indigenous Diplomacy, Universidad del Rosario, in partnership with Charles Sturt University (Australia), City University of New York and New York University (US)
  CR9 10th Anniversary of UNDRIP and 25th Anniversary of FILAC EN/ES FILAC
15:00-16:30 CRB Marine Protected Areas, Indigenous and Local Communities, and Sustainable Livelihoods Government of France, IUCN, WCS
16:30-18:00 CRB Illustrating IPLC-driven implementation of climate adaptation and mitigation activities. The Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
18:15-20:00 CR4 Movie Screening Estonian Mission to the United Nations




10:00-13:00 CRB CBP/FCPF Indigenous Peoples Side Event MPIDO
11:30-13:00 CRF Promoting Indigenous Youth Development to achieve the 2030 Agenda  DESA-DSPD / Other partners TBC
13:15-14:30 CR4 La nueva Constitución de la Ciudad de México y la inclusión de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas



SEDEREC, Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural y Equidad para las Comunidades
  CRB Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights through Strategic Litigation Open Society
  FF Building* 6th Floor Conference Room The impact of national and international policies on Indigenous health and wellbeing United Natives
  FF Building* Amartya Sen Room Dialogue on Indigenous Led Philanthropy International Funders for Indigenous Peoples
  FF Building* Rio Room The importance of the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Perspectives of indigenous youth after 10 years of its adoption FAO, Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América – FILAC,  Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de America Latina / Focal Points LAC of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus
  CR9 Indigenous Truth International Native Tradition Interchange
  CR12 Social and corporate responsibility of companies that deal with industrial activities in the territories of indigenous peoples The government of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation
15:00-17:00 CRB Informal Dialogue with the World Bank and Indigenous Peoples of the Africa Region  World Bank
17:00-18:00 CRB Informal Dialogue with the World Bank and Indigenous Peoples of Tanzania World Bank
18:15-20:00 CR4 Advancing in the Development of National Action Plans to Implement the UNDRIP (Experiences from country policy dialogues in six countries) IFAD/IWGIA


11:30-13:00 CRB Estrategias para fortalecer la participación indígena en Naciones Unidas promovido por el GIRPI (ES)


FILAC firma acuerdo pionero con Transparencia Internacional (13:00 – 15:30) – Zona de Medios de Comunicación Indígenas

Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y El Caribe (FILAC)
13:00-16:00 FF Building* Rio Room Climate Change and Traditional Knowledge: Advancing a New Platform for the UNFCCC Cultural Survival, Tribal Link, UNDP, International Indian Treaty Council
13:15-14:30 CR4 Mainstreaming the contribution of Traditional Knowledge and Biological and Cultural Diversity for the implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNESCO, SCBD, The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) at the American Museum of Natural History, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB), SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Indigenous Women Network on Biodiversity (IWNB)
  CRB La Defensoría Pública Electoral: su contribución a la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación México/ UNDP México
  FF Building* 6th Floor Conference Room Strengthening the Skill set of Indigenous Rights Activists Raising Indigenous Voices (RIV) from the Milano School under The New School
  FF Building* Amartya Sen Room Towards a Renewed Focus on Realising the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Conservation Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), Natural Justice.
  FF Building* Stockholm Room Ten years with UNDRIP – Where are we now? International Federation of Social Workers, NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Sunray Meditation, ViVAT International, OMI
15:00-16:30 CR4 Mainstreaming Indigenous peoples rights in the SDGs including in the High Level Political Forum (HLPF)  of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Indigenous Peoples Major Group for the SDGs, ILO, IWGIA, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and the Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)
  CRB Proceso Constituyente de Ciudad de México y la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas



SEDEREC, Ciudad de México.
16:30-18:00 CR4 Briefing and Q&A on EMRIP’s amended mandate OHCHR/EMRIP
  CRB Peace building and well-being processes to contribute to the eradication of violence against Indigenous women UN Women, IIWF/FIMI and AIPP
Friday 28 April: 9:00-16:00 Ford Foundation, 1440 Broadway SHAREHOLDER ADVOCACY



First Peoples Worldwide


Session Room Event Organiser(s)
10:00-11:30 CRB Climate-Induced Displacement: Realities, Rights, and Responses NGO Committee on Migration, Company of the Daughters of Charity, Unitarian Universalist United Nations
11:30-13:00 CRB Strengthening our Sovereignty In a Colonized System American Indian Law Alliance
13:15-14:30 CR4 Using the UN Treaty Bodies to Advance the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


EN | ES FR | RU |

UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples and DOCIP
  CR12 International Premiere for “This Is Who I Am” Australia, Canada
  CRB PEOPLE FIRST: Indigenous Communities Accompanied by FBOs-Protection for Integral Human Development Holy See
  FF 6th Floor The New Old Fire, Жаңа Ескі Алау, El Fuego Viejo World Indigenous Teaching and Learning Centre
  FF Rio LIRA – League of Indigenous Residencies for Artists Crossing Bridges/PAMAR – Pan American Art Research
15:00-18:00 CRB “Killing the Black Snake” Pahtamawiikan


10:00-11:30 CRB The Significance of Indigenous Literatures in the Pacific & to Pacific Rim (California) Native people University of California Riverside
11:30-13:00 CRB Barriers to Electoral Participation for Indigenous Voters The Carter Center
13:15-14:30 CR4 Updates on the developing a new International Mechanism for International Repatriation of Indigenous Peoples Sacred Items and Human Remains International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
  CRB GEF Small Grants Programme Indigenous Peoples Fellowship programme UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme
  FF Amartya Sen SHARING EXPERIENCES: Challenges and Opportunities in using indigenous knowledge systems in resource management Shubenacadie Band Council
  FF Rio Reframing Rights in the Blue Continent: Examining the extent to which seabed mining within and beyond the waters of national jurisdiction implicates the rights of Pacific indigenous peoples Indigenous World Association
  CR7 Indigenous People’s Rights and the impacts of extractive industries in the Americas and in Africa / Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y los impactos de las actividades de las industrias extractivas en las Américas y en África Inter-American Commission on Human Rights



  CR12 Operationalizing the inclusion of Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Practices (ILK) in the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
15:00-16:30 CRB The Role of Indigenous Leaders in Supporting Inclusive and Equitable Measures to Implement the UNDRIP Conservation International, Indigenous Information Network and the Indigenous Environmental Network
16:30-18:00 CRB Indigenous Peoples and new approaches for inclusion in forest policy: Lessons from the Community Based REDD+ Initiative UNDP REDD+ Team and UNDP SGP


10:00-11:30 CRB Consultations towards International Year of Indigenous Languages  UNESCO
13:15-14:30 CR4 Official Presentation of FICMAYAB´2017 -2018 CLACPI
  CRB Self-Agency of Indigenous Peoples & the SDGs: Good Practices and Partnerships International Presentation Association
  FF Amartya Sen Yurta Mira 20 years with Indigenous People and 70th birthday of President of Yurta Mira Alexandra Grigorieva Yurta Mira
  FF Rio The Power of local action: Empowering Indigenous Peoples for SDGs UNDP
15:00-16:30 CRB Towards the International Year of Indigenous Languages Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples
16:30-18:00 CRB Indigenous Peoples’ Contributions to the SDGs and Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Challenges and Opportunities PACOS Trust & ICCA Consortium


11:30-13:00 CRB Indigenous Human Rights and Environmental Defenders: Issues and Strategies Cultural Survival, Rainforest Foundation US, Maya Leaders Alliance
13:15-14:30 CR4 Reporting Success: How Collaborative Grant-making Makes an Impact Cultural Survival
  CRB Droit des Pygmées et problématique électorat des pygmées en RDC Solidarité Pour un Monde Meilleur
  FF 6th Floor Peace Begins with Indigenous Peoples International Movement for Fraternal Union Among Races and Peoples and The Grail
  FF Amartya Sen Bridging the gap of knowledge between two opposite identities. Comparative science Moon teaching Kanienkehaka Traditional Council
  FF Rio Through the Looking-Glass of Colonization-The Myth of Taino Extinction City College

*The UN FF Building is located at 304 EAST 45TH STREET

Statements/Speakers' List

Online registration for the Speaker’s List is now closed.

Participants from indigenous peoples’ organizations that are accredited to attend the 16th session of the Permanent Forum can register for the speaker’s list in person, in Conference Room 4 during the following times.

Monday 24 April: 1:00 – 3:00

Tuesday 25 April – Thursday 4 May: 11:00 – 1:00

Guidelines for Speakers

Speaker’s lists are open to all registered to attend the Permanent Forum as observers.
The online speakers’ list is open for Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations, Indigenous Members of Parliaments and Non-governmental organizations in ECOSOC status.

At the beginning of each meeting, the Permanent Forum members will introduce the agenda item. They will also ask questions and make statements whenever they consider it to be appropriate. Time constraints are considerable given the great number of observers who ask for the floor. The Chairperson will explain the procedure to follow at the beginning of each plenary session regarding the list of speakers and will set time limits for interventions (speakers will be given 3 minutes to facilitate broad participation).

Since 2016, there were changes to the Speakers List arrangements during the plenary. The Programme of Work lists both Speaker’s Lists and Interactive Dialogues.

For Interactive Dialogues, speakers can inscribe to the speaker’s list at the beginning such session simply by pressing the microphone button on their desk, or where desks have been set aside for this purpose – especially for those who do not have access to a microphone button. You may be asked your name and organization by staff assisting the Chairperson.

For Speaker’s Lists, Indigenous Peoples Organisations, National Human Rights Institutions and Indigenous Members of Parliament must put their name on the speaker’s list. Speakers are only allowed to speak once under an agenda item.

The order of speakers is determined by the Chair of the Permanent Forum.

Once you have been confirmed on the speaker’s list, you need to provide 10 copies of your statement to translators (to be given to Conference Room Officer). You should also send your statement to where it will be uploaded on the website after your presentation.

Members States, intergovernmental organizations and UN bodies and specialized agencies wishing to send observers to the session are requested to communicate the composition of their delegations, in advance of the session, to the Secretary of the Forum (c/o Mr. Dino Del Vasto (email; Room S-3066). Kindly be reminded that the observers who have not indicated their participation by the established deadline will be seated on a fisrt-come, first-served basis.

Member States and United Nations bodies and specialized agencies wishing to inscribe on the list of speakers for a particular item should contact Mr. Gerard Cianciulli, email:


Statement by the Global Indigenous Women’s Caucus

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by the Chair of the UN Statistical Commission (Brazil)

Speaker: Ms. Wasmalia Bivar

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Chile

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Bangladesh

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Guatemala

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Ogaden People’s Rights Organization

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Franciscans International

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Australia

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by The Passionist International

 Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Ecuador

 Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network

Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Tribal Link Foundation, Inc

 Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Zoro

 Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Boro Women’s Justice Forum

 Agenda Item(s): [ 9 ] 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Statement by Guatemala

 Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by UNESCO

 Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Stichting Forest Peoples Programme

 Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Australia

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Fiji Indigenous Peoples Foundation

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)

 Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by the Passionist International

 Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Pahtamawiikan

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Assyrian Aid Society

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Statement by Ogaden

Agenda Item(s): [ 12 ] Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues


Other meetings during the UNPFII Session

Global Indigenous Women’s Caucus 

Friday, April 21 on the 2nd floor of the Church Center Building

East 44th Street and 1st Avenue

Breakfast will begin at 8:30am, and will meet throughout the day, ending at about 5pm. 

Here is the registration link

Indigenous Peoples’ Global Caucus

22-23 April 2017 on the 2nd floor of the Church Center for the United Nations

777 UN Plaza (corner of East 44th Street and 1st Avenue), across the street from the main entrance to the United Nations.

High-Level Event to mark the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples convened by the President of the 71st session of the General Assembly.

Tuesday, 25 April (AM), venue tbc. Conference room 4 will be the overflow room for those who wish to follow the session. There will be high level representatives addressing the event.

Cultural Event and Reception

Tuesday, April 25 at 6.30pm at the UN Secretariat Lobby

Indigenous Craft Fair

26 April, from 10 to 6 pm. 2nd floor of the Church Center for the United Nations

777 UN Plaza (corner of East 44th Street and 1st Avenue), across the street from the main entrance to the United Nations.

PGA Consultations

Wednesday 26 April afternoon and Wednesday, 3 May morning

During the Forum session, the President of the 61st session of the General Assembly with his advisors will be conducting consultations on the participation of indigenous peoples’ representatives and institutions in relevant United Nations meetings on issues affecting them.

Indigenous Youth Caucus

Time and venue to be confirmed

Logistical Information

Logistical Information
Please click here for information regarding accommodation and transportation in New York City.

Travel and Visa Information
Arrangements for travel, including visa procedures, accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of NGOs and IPOs and other interested organizations. Representatives of participating organizations must deal directly with United States consulates in their countries of residence regarding visa issues. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to NGO and IPO representatives once they have been pre-registered. This confirmation letter may be used by NGO and IPO representatives to request a visa from American authorities.

The only UN source of funding for travel to participate in the sessions of the Permanent Forum is the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, which is managed by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Please note that applications close in October of the year preceding the Permanent Forum’s Session. Please click here for more details.

Frequently asked questions

Our organization is interested in attending the next session of the Permanent Forum. Can we participate?
Participation in the sessions of the Permanent Forum is open to NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, indigenous peoples’ organizations and academic institutions. All participants need to pre-register for the sessions of the Permanent Forum. The sessions of the Permanent Forum tend to take place in April or May each year. Online pre-registration tends to begin in January or February on the website of the Permanent Forum. Pre-registration closes about 2-4 weeks before the session starts.

Our organization attended the other sessions of the Forum. Do we still need to pre-register?
Yes. All accredited organizations interested in attending the next session of the Forum are invited to pre-register. In addition, all representatives of accredited organizations are requested to register at their arrival at the United Nations before attending the session.

My organization enjoys consultative status with ECOSOC, but we have not received an invitation to attend sessions of the Permanent forum. How can we pre-register?
All interested NGOs in consultative status should use the online pre-registration system to apply to attend the session.

Can representatives of NGOs and IPOs attend sessions of the Permanent Forum without pre-registration?
We do not encourage attendance of sessions of the Permanent Forum without pre-registration. All participants, including those from organizations enjoying consultative status with ECOSOC and holding annual ground-passes, are strongly encouraged to pre-register and register at the site of sessions of the Permanent Forum. The United Nations Secretariat will not be in a position to register participants who did not pre-register before the opening of the session.

Can my organization make a statement at the Permanent Forum session?
During previous sessions the Permanent Forum, representatives of NGOs and indigenous peoples organizations have made presentations. Most of the organizations that have addressed the Forum do not enjoy consultative status. In other words, all participants registered to attend the session may make oral presentations, depending on availability of time.

Will the United Nations help me with my visa to New York?
Arrangements for travel, including visa procedures, accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of NGOs and IPOs and other interested organizations. Representatives of participating organizations need to deal directly with United States embassies/consulates in their countries of residence regarding visa issues. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to NGO and IPO representatives once they have been pre-registered. This confirmation letter may be used by NGO and IPO representatives to request a visa from United States authorities. If necessary, the Division for Social Policy and Development will assist in providing information regarding the status of NGOs and IPOs at the request of American authorities. However, the United Nations does not send unsolicited correspondence to United States embassies/consulates to validate a request made by an NGO or IPO representative to obtain a visa.

Does the United Nations provide funding for NGOs to attend the Forum?
The only UN source of funding for travel to participate in the sessions of the Permanent Forum is the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations. Please note that applications close in October of the year preceding the Permanent Forum’s Session.

Can my organization make a statement at the Permanent Forum session?
During previous sessions the Permanent Forum, representatives of NGOs and organizations of indigenous populations have made presentations. Most of the organizations that addressed the Forum do not enjoy consultative status. In other words, all participants registered to attend the session may make oral presentations, depending on availability of time.

Can I submit a written statement or report to the Permanent Forum?
Indigenous organizations and NGOs have occasionally submitted reports to the Permanent Forum in the past. If your organization is interested in doing so, then you are advised to contact the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum and discuss the possibility of submitting such a report. The deadline for these reports/statements is 31 January of each year.

For further information about submitting reports, see the below excerpt form ECOSOC resolution 1996/31.

36. Written statements relevant to the work of the commissions or other subsidiary organs may be submitted by organizations in general consultative status and special consultative status on subjects for which these organizations have a special competence. Such statements shall be circulated by the Secretary-General to members of the commission or other subsidiary organs, except those statements that have become obsolete, for example, those dealing with matters already disposed of and those that have already been circulated in some other form to members of the commission or other subsidiary organs.

37. The following conditions shall be observed regarding the submission and circulation of such written statements:
(a) The written statement shall be submitted in one of the official languages;
(b) It shall be submitted in sufficient time for appropriate consultation to take place between the Secretary-General and the organization before circulation;
(c) The organization shall give due consideration to any comments that the Secretary-General may make in the course of such consultation before transmitting the statement in final form;
(d) A written statement submitted by an organization in general consultative status will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 2,000 words. Where a statement is in excess of 2,000 words, the organization shall submit a summary, which will be circulated, or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages for distribution. A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon the specific request of the commission or other subsidiary organs;
(e) A written statement submitted by an organization in special consultative status will be circulated in full if it does not exceed 1,500 words. Where a statement is in excess of 1,500 words, the organization shall submit a summary, which will be circulated, or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages for distribution. A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon the specific request of the commission or other subsidiary organs;
(f) The Secretary-General, in consultation with the chairman of the relevant commission or other subsidiary organ, or the commission or other subsidiary organ itself, may invite organizations on the Roster to submit written statements. The provisions in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e) above shall apply to such statements;
(g) A written statement or summary, as the case may be, will be circulated by the Secretary-General in the working languages and, upon the request of a member of the commission or other subsidiary organ, in any of the official languages.

Media and Outreach Materials

Meetings coverage:

Press Releases

Press Release 20 April 2017: Press Release_Annual Forum to highlight progress and challenges ten years after UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples . Read the press release in SpanishRussian or French.

Press Release 5 May 2017: Press Release UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues concludes with call to action

UN News story: Status of declaration on indigenous peoples’ rights in spotlight as UN forum opens in New York

UN News: Podcasts with different participants at the UNPFII 16th Session.

Fact Sheets/ backgrounders (English):

Digital Cards (English) – other languages are available HERE

For all graphic and social media materials related to the 16th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, visit our trello board here:

Social Media Hashtags: #WeAreIndigenous, #UNPFII16 and #GlobalGoals

Four press conferences will be organised by the United Nations Department of Public Information in room S-237 during the UNPFII Session. All will be available at

For media queries, including interviews, please contact Martina Donlon, tel: +1 212-963-6816 or email: – United Nations Department of Public Information

To contact the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, please email – UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Indigenous Media Zone

For the first time, there will be an Indigenous Media Zone organized in coordination with Department of Public Information and indigenous media groups.  The “Indigenous Media Zone” aims at providing a space for indigenous and mainstream media channels and platforms to cover the 16th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in their own languages and through their own media channels.

About the Indigenous Media Zone

The “Indigenous Media Zone” will provide a working/interaction space equipped with internet, work stations and live stream of events happening inside the United Nations during the 16th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The programme in the Media Zone will include:

  • Live webcast interviews, press conferences and discussions with indigenous elders, human rights defenders, delegates, and celebrities
  • Media workspace for indigenous media. Space to interact with speakers and conduct interviews after press conferences
  • Social Media: blogging and coverage of UNPFII Session and 10th Anniversary of UNDRIP through social media
  • UNPFII Live streaming: Follow live content from the UNPFII meetings

Access to the Indigenous Media Zone

The users of the Indigenous Media Zone are indigenous media representatives, journalists and bloggers, representing national media and community media from all 7 regions. Non-indigenous media, including UN correspondents, will be invited to cover the press conference and interviews. The zone will not be open for regular participants at the UNPFII Session, who are instead encouraged to follow the media coverage through the online platform. More information on programme will provided before the Sessions.

Programme for the Indigenous Media Zone

Draft programme for press conferences and interviews in the Indigenous Media Zone (will be updated regularly):Indigenous Media Zone programme (as of 26 April 2017)

See the daily interventions in the Media Zone, organised by indigenous community media, at NOTIMIA’s Facebook page.

UN DESA also screened live from the Media Zone once a day on the following themes.

See the panel debates here:


10 years of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (24 April)

Conversación con diputados indígenas (25 April)

 The struggle over indigenous lands and territories (26 April)

Los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en la Constitución de la Ciudad de México (27 April)

Indigenous youth – walking between two worlds (28 April)

For more about indigenous community media and their perspectives on the indigenous media zone, read an article about the Indigenous Media Zone by IWGIA HERE

Media Accreditation

Important regarding Media Accreditation

Journalists without UN credentials who wish to attend the UNPFII sessions and the Indigenous Media Zone with professional equipment should submit an online application on the Web site of the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit: They will need to upload a letter of assignment on official letterhead from a bone fide media organization, signed by publisher, assignment editor or bureau chief, saying that the journalist is assigned to cover the UNPFII session. Approved applicants will receive an email confirmation with instructions for picking up the credentials.

Individuals with NGO accreditation will not be issued press credentials. Letters of assignment from NGOs will not be accepted for press credentials.

With out media accrediation, indigenous community media will not be able to bring professional cameras and equipment in to the United Nations. They will however be welcome at the Indigenous Media Zone.