2019 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

30 May 2019
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Violence, particularly sexual violence  perpetrated against  older women and men, physical attacks stemming from accusations of witchcraft and other deep-rooted cultural bias, discrimination and greed, often remain shrouded in the global discourse on Elder Abuse.

Distressingly, two decades after the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action (MIPAA) and the Beijing plan of action, analysis of inputs submitted to the 8th OEWGA reveals the gaps remain. Legally binding/effective frameworks for responses such as access to justice and legal remedies, as well as prevention and protection services for older victims of crimes are few to be found.

Recognizing the urgent need to move forward to a binding universal framework the 10th session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing identified Access to Justice as an essential thematic area.  But, for millions of vulnerable older persons this seems far from their lived reality.

The theme this year is “Access to Justice: Legal, Social and Economic Services for Older Victims of Sexual, Physical and Financial Crimes”. On the occasion of the Day, a special event will take place on 6 June at UN Headquarters in New York in conference room 11 from 1.15 to 2.30 pm. The event is organized by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) and the NGO committee on Ageing and co-sponsored by UN DESA and UNDP. The event will be LIVE webcast at webtv.un.org.

Learn more about the 2019 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.


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