

Family Matters

Circular No. 11 Follow-up to the International Year of the Family

December 1997


The United Nations Subprogramme on the Family

The Follow up to the International Year of the Family is the responsibility of the Division for Social Policy and Development within the Department for Economic and Social Affairs. The follow-up activities to the International Year of the Family are in accordance with intergovernmental mandates e.g. General Assembly resolutions 47/237 of 20 September 1993 and 50/142 of 21 December 1995 respectively.

Achievements and Challenges

As 1997 comes to a close, the Family Unit would like to share with you some information about our current and future activities in view of our mutual interest in global family issues.

For example, during 1997, the Family Unit carried out numerous actions and initiatives, such as inter alia:

(a) Promoted the worldwide observance of the International Day of Families (15 May) by preparing background information for use by Governments and non-governmental organizations. A message by the Secretary-General was prepared for wide distribution in 1997;

(b) Promoted international cooperation on family issues;

(c) Assisted the Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment, Youth and Family Affairs in selecting candidates for the Visitors= Programme for Studying Exemplary Family Benefits and Family Services in Austria and reviewing its programme;

(d) Reinforced supportive relationships with the non-governmental organization Committees on the Family in New York and Vienna;

(e) Participated in various family-related meetings organized by concerned non-governmental organizations and academic institutions;

(f) Promoted action-oriented research and case studies on salient family issues in collaboration with the International Federation for Parent Education and the International Federation for Training and Development and the International Family Policy Forum;

(g) Consulted and cooperated with Governments, non-governmental organizations and other partners on an effective follow-up to the Year;

(h) Prepared circular letters [10] to national focal points, United Nations agencies and bodies as well as the non-governmental organization sector; and

(i) Initiated a UN database on family matters.

The thematic focus of the Family Unit is on: (a) Family Relationships, Social Integration and Development inter alia the social situation and needs of various forms of families, intra-familial relations, gender equality, parental coresponsibility, risk factors, the role of families in community and civic life, and contributory factors that augment the resiliency of families; and (b) Families and Productive Livelihood inter alia the negative effects of various social changes on the family and society, the technological revolution and its impact on the family, and the balance between work and family responsibilities.

Focus for 1998-2000

During 1998-2000, focus will be on strengthening international cooperation through a subregional approach on family issues by:

(a) A process of consultation/advocacy which will lead to commonalities in policy content, concepts and an integrated perspective on the family in its various forms;

(b) Servicing of intergovernmental bodies; reports will be prepared to highlight family concerns for reflection by the global community;

(c) The preparation of case studies on selected germane issues to assist in policy formulation and evaluation. Research, supplemented by subregional meetings, will be conducted with important partners; and

(d) Mobilization of resources through the UN Trust Fund on Family Activities to assist Member States, NGO=s and civil society in developing and strengthening family policies, programmes and projects.

We count on your understanding and valuable support so that we can together fulfill the mandates of intergovernmental bodies - mainly to continue to play an active role in

facilitating international cooperation on family matters. In this context, sustained actions at all levels are vital, including: (a) encouraging a more focused and coordinated approach towards family issues within the United Nations system; (b) promoting studies and applied research on families; (c) developing concrete measures and approaches to address national priorities to deal with family issues; and (d) operationally integrating the follow-up to the International Year of the Family to the multi-year work programme of the Commission for Social Development.

The Commission for Social Development - 36th session

The thirty-sixth session of the Commission for Social Development is scheduled to meet from 10 to 20 February 1998 in New York at United Nation=s Headquarters.

The Commission will discuss the follow up to the World Summit for Social Development. Two panel discussions will deal with the priority theme for the session: APromoting Social integration of all people, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and persons@. There will be a presentation on the social dimension of drug abuse; as well as two non-governmental organization segments. The family dimension will be pertinent in this context pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/7.