Basic Income in a Time of Pandemics: Battling Eight Giants

Date: Thu, Sep 10 2020 | Webinar
Location: Online, UN Headquarters, New York
Time: 10:00 - 11:00am


The pandemic slump is a crisis that was waiting to happen; it may turn into a pandemic depression. The depth of the crisis reflects the fragility of the economic system that was forged in the four decades of globalization. It made the global economy uniquely fragile to shocks and will make the economic outcomes of the pandemic much worse.

Mr. Guy Standing is Professorial Research Associate, SOAS University of London. He was Director of the ILO’s Socio-Economic Security Programme and professor at SOAS, Bath and Monash Universities . He is a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences, and the Royal Society of Arts, co-founder and honorary co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), and member of the Progressive Economy Forum. Included among his books are The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class and Basic Income: And how we can make it happen. He has also recently collaborated with Massive Attack in a musical video based on his most recent book, Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now.

Mr. Standing’s full bio is available here: