Expert group meeting on new research on trust and social cohesion - World Social Report 2025

Date: Wed, May 29 - Thu, May 30 2024 | Expert Group Meetings
Location: Virtual
Time: All day
Photo: IOM/Andi Pratiwi

This virtual meeting will bring together experts to review recent research on the dynamics of trust, social cohesion and the effects of inequality on both, as well as the obstacles that declining trust poses to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The insights from presentations and interactive discussions will help inform the World Social Report 2025.

The virtual meeting will take place on Zoom on the mornings of 29 and 30 May 2024. 

Detailed agenda
Speaker bios

Day 1 – Wednesday, 29 May


Opening session

Welcome - Wenyan Yang, Branch Chief, DESA and Patricia Justino, Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER


Session I

Global trends in trust and their measurement



Keynote Presentation

Levels and trends of trust
Patricia Justino, UNU-WIDER (presentation of draft paper for the World Social Report 2025)


Session II

Trust and social cohesion




Trust across the globe and across time
Eric Uslaner, University of Maryland

Operationalizing social cohesion
Patrick Barron, World Bank

Measuring social cohesion: evidence from Africa
Francesco Burchi, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)


Day 2 – Thursday, 30 May


Session III


Trust and inequality



Inequality, its profile and trust toward governing institutions: evidence from international databases
Flaviana Palmisano, Sapienza University of Rome

Fairness perceptions and political trust in Europe
Licia Bobzien, University of Postdam

Social unrest, trust and inequality: findings from the Panorama of Social Cohesion in Latin America
Carlos Maldonado, UN ECLAC

Session IV

Policies and strategies to rebuild trust and foster social cohesion



On the role of trust in collective action and achieving global goals
Pedro Conceição, UNDP HDRO

What governments can do to enhance trust: evidence from OECD countries
Monica Brezzi, OECD

Rebuilding trust: experience from Latin America and the Caribbean  
Carlos Scartasini, IADB