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The United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/79/149 emphasizes inclusive development for persons with disabilities, reaffirming commitments to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and other international frameworks. It highlights the disproportionate impact of poverty, discrimination, and barriers faced by persons with disabilities, especially women, girls, and marginalized groups. The resolution urges Member States and stakeholders to promote accessibility, eliminate discrimination, ensure equitable participation, and address specific needs in areas such as health, education, employment, and disaster risk reduction…
Policy Briefs |
INTRODUCTION  Shocks and crises have become more frequent, intense and widespread in an interconnected world, affecting more people across the globe. Crises that might have previously remained relatively contained within a well-defined geographic region, are now propagated rapidly through globally interconnected systems and networks in areas such as economics, finance, the environment and health. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis is an example of how financial shocks spread through the interconnected balance sheets of financial institutions, causing havoc around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic also shows how national health systems were unable to absorb the effects of the virus, which…
Fact Sheet |
Following the conclusion of the post-2015 development agenda process and the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, this Action Plan intends to serve the sport for development and peace community in its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, placing sport in its role as an important enabler of sustainable development. It combines principles from previous editions of the Action Plan with new elements reflecting key developments in sport and related fields. In line with the reporting cycle on sport for development and peace, the Action Plan is intended to cover two years but to be applicable in the longer term. With a view to providing a global road map relevant to all stakeholders, this…
Publication |
The Disability and Development Report 2024, “Accelerating the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with persons with disabilities”, is an update of the 2018 edition of the same flagship report, produced in response to a request by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 75/154 of 23 December 2020. The report indicates that persons with disabilities are often left behind in the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, with wide gaps persisting between persons with and without disabilities, particularly on food security, health, and access to energy and ICT. Considering COVID-19, the report assesses the different ways the pandemic…
Policy Briefs |
Understanding how population trends are likely to unfold in the short, medium and long terms is critical for achieving a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future as recognized in the Declaration on Future Generations. This policy brief provides an overview of some of the main findings of the recently released report, World Population Prospects 2024: Summary of Results (United Nations, 2024a) with the aim of helping countries prepare for population sizes, age structures and spatial distributions that may differ appreciably from those of their recent past. ALL POPULATIONS ARE MOVING TOWARDS LONGER LIVES AND SMALLER FAMILIES At first glance, the demographic outlook of countries…
UN General Assembly Reports on Social Development |
Recalling its resolutions 58/5 of 3 November 2003 and 59/10 of 27 October 2004, its decision to proclaim 2005 the International Year for Sport and Physical Education to strengthen sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace, and its resolutions 60/1 of 16 September 2005, 60/9 of 3 November 2005, 61/10 of 3 November 2006, 62/271 of 23 July 2008, 63/135 of 11 December 2008, 65/4 of 18 October 2010, 67/17 of 28 November 2012, 69/6 of 31 October 2014, 71/160 of 16 December 2016, 73/24 of 3 December 2018, 75/18 of 1 December 2020 and 77/27 of 1 December 2022, Please click on the publication link above for the full resolution, which is available in all six UN official…
Policy Briefs |
INTRODUCTION The recent confluence of crises – the COVID-19 pandemic, violent conflicts, and climate change – has caused severe setbacks to central objectives of social development, such as poverty eradication, employment generation, inequality reduction, and building inclusive societies. People and societies in vulnerable situations have been hit the hardest by the converging crises.  There are indications that shocks and crises are becoming ever more frequent, severe, and far-reaching – driven by the worsening effects of climate change, the growing probability of pandemics, growing geopolitical tensions, and increasingly dense global networks of trade, finance and transport. The…