19 August: World Humanitarian Day

19 August marks the celebration of World Humanitarian Day where people around the world are invited to share tales of humanitarian heroism on their social media feeds. This invitation gives young digitally connected people a chance to use their voice and raise awareness.

The #ShareHumanity campaign has already been noticed and endorsed by celebrities and newsmakers around the world. Singer/songwriter Cody Simpson stated that "I'm getting behind #ShareHumanity because it's a way of showing that we haven't forgotten  that there are millions living in humanitarian crises. I hope others will join us in this massive display of public support calling for a more humane world."

The launch of the #ShareHumanity campaign is happening at a critical time for relief efforts around the world. On August 19 join the voices on social media and share your stories.

To learn more, please click here.

Source & Copyright: UN News Centre