8th Conference of States Parties for Persons with Disabilities, 9-11 June 2015

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006. It came into force on 3 May 2008 upon the 20th ratification. Article 40 of the Convention stipulates that “The States Parties shall meet regularly in a Conference of States Parties in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the present Convention.” Since 2008, seven sessions of the Conference of States Parties have been held at United Nations Headquarters, New York.

The 8th session will take place at the United Nations Headquarters from 9 to 11 June 2015. The theme of this year's Conference is "Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda".

States Parties and observers, including DPOs, are called upon to support and encourage the participation of young leaders in the Conference of States Parties.

To learn more about this event, please click here.

Source & Copyright: UNDESA DSPD