A gathering of cooperators: international day of cooperatives

An exhibit was held on 4 July to celebrate International Day of Cooperatives. The exhibit was held at the Octave Wiehe stadium in Reduit and it included the cooperatives societies and federations in Mauritius.

There were eleven cooperatives federations that participated in the exhibition. These federations displayed their products and services for the public including fruits, vegetables, soaps, and candles. In addition to these displays, the exhibition also included photographs, antique items, flyers, and films on cooperators and the making of their products. This gave visitors the chance to understand the cooperative movement and the values behind it.

This year's International Cooperatives Day theme is "Equality" and the slogan of the day is "choose co-operative, choose equality." This theme was chosen because of the vast inequalities in the world and the continuous widening of the global income gap. These inequalities can be combated by cooperatives because cooperatives empower communities and offer people a dignified and sustainable way to make a living.

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Source & Copyright: AllAfrica