ABILITY Job Fair 2019

The world’s leading career fair showcasing accessibility technology in hiring people with disabilities, ABILITY Job Fair (AJF), chooses International Day of People with Disabilities (December 3rd) to host its online career fair for job seekers with disabilities. AJF uses the latest communications technology to break down accessibility barriers and create a more human experience.

AJF technologies deliver the closest thing to an in-person recruitment experience via live video chat, voice, SMS, text transcription, and live ASL interpretation.

Job Seekers can attend from anywhere there is a browser with an internet connection. The platform is a user-friendly, browser-based experience with no need for downloading special software.

Largest Job Site for People with disABILITIES

AJF partners with abilityJOBS.com, the largest job board of job seekers with disabilities, and ABILITYMagazine.com. This alliance guarantees that the most qualified applicants will know about and attend these fairs. In addition, we have the candidates and technologies to maximize the efficiency of recruiting efforts by enabling best practices and desired outcome. This is why over 4,500 employers (Businesses, Governments and NGOs) have already connected with abilityJOBS.com.

For more information, please visit: https://abilitymagazine.com/career-site/

Source: Ability Magazine