The question of inequality was raised several times by the UN in January: speaking at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, UN chief António Guterres pointed out that, while technological progress and globalization have led to “fantastic improvements” in many areas, they have also increased inequality and marginalized millions.
Inequality is an “entrenched imbalance”
Lise Kingo, CEO if the UN Global Compact, also supports that, in 2018, we saw "a small group of individuals are getting wxponentially richer as billions are left behind in poverty.
Will AI take away our jobs, or transform them?
As the International Labour Organization (ILO) concluded in its launched a landmark report that technological innovations provide “countless opportunities” for workers, but also warned that, we may run the risk of “sleepwalking into a world that widens existing inequalities and uncertainties.” One of the key technological innovations mentioned here is artificial intelligence (AI) which garners valid media attention. Also, a report from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) suggested that AI could soon “revolutionize all areas of daily life beyond the tech world”, and then society split between a tiny super-rich elite and the rest.
Kriti Sharma , recognized by the UN as a Young Leader For Sustainable Development Goals, however, considers that AI helps to create a better, fairer world, through her AI For Good organization, and her role in the Sage Future Makers Lab.
Again, As the Secretary-General told the audience in Davos, a coordinated and global response is the only way to fight inequality, because “we need to work together. There is no way we can do isolated responses to the problems we face, they are all interlinked.”
In an interview with UN News, which you can listen to here.
Source: UN News