The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Dutch Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have launched a call for concept notes for research to boost decent employment for young African men and women. Their goal is to support action-oriented research that will help design effective and innovative interventions to develop soft skills and digital skills among youth and offer apprenticeships and mentorships.
Youth employment in Africa remains one of the most urgent challenges for policymakers. While the need for action has galvanized political commitment and resources across the region, progress has been fragmented and slow. Innovative and inclusive approaches are needed to find lasting solutions that can reach large numbers of youth, generate new jobs and economic opportunities for youth, and that prepare them for the future of work.
Nested within the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, this call aims to provide key insights, practical guidance, and tools to policymakers and practitioners to help realize aspirations for large-scale positive change. The current call focuses on two themes:
- Theme one: Soft skills and digital jobs for youth
- Theme two: Effective approaches to foster work-based learning programs and mentorship.
The research will need to tackle gender constraints that hold young women back from improving their economic prospects and accessing decent work. The equivalent of up to CA$500,000 over 24 months will be available per project. Applicants must review submission guidelines and submit their proposal by October 8, 2018. Visit the funding page for more detailed information and to access the full call for proposals and submission guidelines.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies (INCLUDE)
Source: Decent Jobs For Youth