Bridging Vision to Action

Photo of the publication "Bridging Vision to Action"

This paper presents its findings, perspectives, and recommendations to advance further the goals and commitments outlined in the Declaration. It offers valuable insights into progress, identifies challenges, and proposes actionable recommendations for a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable future.

Bridging Vision to Action

As the Copenhagen Declaration 1995 approaches its 30th anniversary in 2025, it is an auspicious time to mark this event as a turning point in development thinking with its unprecedented focus on eradicating poverty, providing full employment, and promoting social integration. After 30 years, the 10 Commitments of the Copenhagen Declaration remain relevant as they found expression now in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stated as achievable targets. Global efforts to advance social development at all fronts have faced daunting challenges, creating opportunities for all sectors to work together to bring about better lives for all. The role of the NGO-CSO sector in advancing social development ideals and values has been recognized in the international development community. In this light, the NGO Committee for Social Development (NGO CSocD) ventured into this task of taking a critical look at the significant milestones in the global effort to institutionalize social systems and structures that will protect and advance the well-being of populations equitably.

This review coincides with the final phase of implementing the 2030 Agenda, offering an opportunity to scrutinize the effectiveness of the 17 SDGs and their impact. Analyzing the international community’s performance will help us prepare for future global challenges. The World We Want (WWW) isn’t just about low unemployment and high GDP; it also encompasses equal access to healthcare, lifelong education, respect for human rights and dignity, and social harmony. This assessment will concentrate on the practical measures taken to transform this vision into a social, economic, environmental, and political reality. Moreover, the learnings from the past three decades of the Copenhagen Declaration will help improve and reinforce the succeeding set of worldwide development objectives after 2030.

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