Building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels is a sustainable development commitment in its own right and is reflected in specific targets under Sustainable Development Goal 16. Target 16.6, for example, calls for development of effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels, and target 16.7 calls for responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision - making at all levels. It is recognized, in addition, that achieving the targets of Goal 16 will be critical to the implementation of all the Sustainable Development Goals.
For example, the ability to explore innovative sources of financing, manage public-private partnerships, adopt new approaches to biodiversity preservation, improve wastewater treatment, strengthen social protection and expand access to health care all require adequate capacity on the part of the institutions that have a lead role in putting the relevant laws and regulations to work. Both national and sub-national authorities have an important role to play in delivering on the various targets. The principles should therefore be designed to be useful across all areas of governance and institution-building that are relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) will hold its seventeenth session at the United Nations in New York from 23 - 27 April 2018. The focus this year is on "Readying institutions and policies for implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".
Learn more about the event here.
Source: UNDESA