Employment and income generation is not just vital but essential for personal and national economic progress as it improves the standard of livelihoods, and reduce poverty and unemployment. Innovative policies and processes are crucial to increasing the competitiveness, growth and employment of individuals, small enterprises and developing country economies. Innovative employment/income generation policies are also necessary to achieve some of the Sustainable Development Goals like ‘End Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’.
The International Labour Organisation’s definition of unemployment is the population of persons aged 15–64 who, during the reference period, are available for work, actively seeking work, but are unable to find work.
“The final figure for unemployment in 2015 is estimated to stand at 197.1 million and in 2016 is forecast to rise by about 2.3 million to reach 199.4 million. An additional 1.1 million jobless will likely be added to the global tally in 2017” according to the ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2016 (WESO).
With innovative policy and project implementation, unemployment can be curbed. In the Sub-Saharan country of Nigeria youth consist the majority of people currently unemployed. Facts and figures show that over 106 million people are currently unemployed and actively looking for a job. Income generation is not only an issue for the unemployed but also for low income families, who seek other resources and funds to support their needs.
ASYARF’s Innovative Approach
Over the past 7 years, Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation (ASYARF) has continually been involved in capacity building programs and development growth in over 15 communities in 10 states of Nigeria. We have been able to strategically identify vulnerable people in need. We used an assessment mechanism to engage youths and elderly people in skills acquisition programmes that will enable them to generate their own income and boost their financial status.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Implemented by ASYARF
Through our sustainable skill empowerment programmes, advocacy campaigns, community sensitization on HIV/AIDS, climate justice, adult literacy education and donation of supplements to maternal/lactating mother, ASYARF is working endlessly to ensure that youth, older people (including indigenous women and girls) from all parts of Nigeria are equipped with skills to work and earn money for sustainable living. These prompt us to adopt and implement the following SDGs:
Goal 1: End poverty:
Goal 2: Zero hunger
Goal 3: Good health and well-being:
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 15: Life on land
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
How ASYARF Innovative Policies are Eradicating Poverty in the Community
In early 2016 ASYARF prepared a press release about empowering more youths, indigenous women and men, including older people, through a skills trade and acquisition programme. A campaign was also launched in January where several communities were informed about the training programme.
Since the inception of our employment/skills training programme launch in 2008, the organization has empowered over 800 youth and 350 indigenous women and girls, including older people.
Hasana's Story
Thirteen year old Hasana had no idea of the whereabouts of her parents. She slept on the streets of Kano, Nigeria with no one to look out for her. She begged for money and food from people, sold water to people, and was starving most of the time.
Then the ASYARF founder found her. After hearing her story, Hasana was brought to the ASYARF office where she was enrolled in an adult education centre for four years where she learned how to read and write. Afterwards, she went to Lagos and registered in a skill acquisition centre where she learned how to make shoes and bags.
Hasana turned into a 20 year old empowered woman. The organization helped Hasana to establish her trade in Kano state.
You can read Hasana's transformative story in full here.
Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future
Asabe Shehu Yar’adua Foundation has made efforts to create jobs, eradicate poverty and promote gender equality by providing vocational skills training in Nigeria. We have learned that more needs to be done to continue and sustain these policies. We recommend that other stakeholders, NGOs and government adopt this policy for a better, more sustainable world for achievement of the SDGs.
Mrs. Rose, A beneficiary of ASYARF Empowerment Skills Program. She is currently using her skills to train and empower other Youths and Older people in the Society. “Killing many birds with one Stone is possible.” Read the full story.
Learn more about the Asabe shehu Yar’adua Foundation (ASYARF).