Change in Societies and Economies

The dialogue included young leaders of UN Experiential Fellows as moderators and panel experts.  

Drawing on expert discussions, it was highlighted that innovation and technology creates opportunities for greater access and connectivity for all persons. Utilizing multilateral partnerships is key in understanding the current and future needs. Playing into sustainable development goal 17 for the United Nations, partnerships between local, state, regional, and national governments as well as international organizations such as the UN and furthermore non-governmental organizations would positively benefit the increasing digital health arena.

We shared knowledge and experience regarding the education system as a critical interface that shapes the relationship between young people and the state. We recognized that many young people in situations of conflict and crisis seek out higher education as a vehicle for change, shelter, and protection in hopes of a more sustainable, inclusive, and non-discriminatory future. Globally, 3 out of 4 youth seek employment in informal economies that offer little or no access to labor rights and social protection.  

It was recommended that we must invest in youth potential by providing both low-technology and high-technology educational resources. that are critical during the developmental periods in their lives. The onus is on the United Nations, multi-stakeholders, as well as national and regional governments to work with youth and leverage technology as an option for achieving quality education and entering the evolving workforce by obtaining a socially-innovative education of entrepreneurial skills.  

In context of decent work, we highlighted that COVID-19 severely impacted young entrepreneurs and small business owners. To support these and many young professionals starting to navigate these systems, local communities and governments must recognize the value of contributions made by young people to the economy as both human and physical capital.  

Recommendations on current climate emergency call for the immediate incorporation of social and environmental responsibility into the policies/missions of all large corporations and industry polluters. Businesses that voluntarily participate in the UN Global Compact have set an example by changing their strategies and operations to reflect not only environmental issues but also human rights and labor principles. Stakeholder engagement from civil society and organizations is an exceptional tool that would help raise awareness and advocate for more just and ethical policies as well.  

Young leaders shared that we must hold the international community accountable to create the conditions for youth to play an active role in shaping our rights and engaging in decision-making socioeconomic and political processes to maximize sustainable development. More than ever, we are able to leverage technology to access and facilitate these dialogues with multiple levels of government. By encouraging participatory governance and citizen-driven data collection, we can maximize awareness and civic engagement. 

The side event was hosted by AIM Society & Education and facilitated by Blue Ridge Impact as a webinar. The event was open to CSoCD59 participants and the larger global development audience.  

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