Generations United organized, with United Nations DESA and IFFD, an Expert Symposium entitled “Changing Demographics Can Result in Strengthening Families”, as a pre-event to the Global Intergenerational Conference on July 25.
The Symposium was convened as part of the preparations for the observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024. The purpose was to elicit expert opinions and provide expert recommendations on intergenerational solidarity in line with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly regarding good practices in family policymaking in light of changing demographics specifically the changing roles of older adults in families and civil society supports for intergenerational and multigenerational families.
The final outcome report of the meeting will summarize the discussion held, include background papers prepared by invited experts, and present recommendations to be used as input to the 2023 Report of the Secretary-General on “Preparations for and Observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family.”
The highlights from the Symposium were also shared during a workshop at the Global Intergenerational Conference on July 28th.
Donna Butts, Executive Director, Generations United
Renata Kaczmarska, UN Focal Point on Family
Ignacio Socias, Director, International Federation for Family Development
Merril Silverstein, Marjorie Cantor Chair in Aging Studies, Syracuse University
Bahira Trask, Professor and Chair, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Delaware
Kristin Bodiford, Faculty, School of Social Work, Dominican University
Namara Arthur Araali, Director of Health Nest Uganda (in absentia)
José Alejandro Vázquez, International Federation for Family Development
JooYeun Chang, Program Director for Child Well-being, Doris Duke Foundation
Noah Webster, Associate Research Scientist, Life Course Development Program, University of Michigan
Leng Leng Thang, Associate Professor of Japanese Studies, co-director of the Next Age Institute, National University of Singapore
Victoria Gray, GRAND Voices Lived Experience Expert, Generations United
Ana Beltran, Director of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support
Robyn Wind, GRAND Voices Support Coordinator, Generations United
Keith Lowhorne, GRAND Voices Lived Experience Expert
AnnaMarie White, GRAND Voices Lived Experience Expert
Abby Nelson, Youth Voices Lived Experience Expert
Terrance Owens, Youth Voices Lived Experience Expert
Source: IFFD