Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

A man sits on the phone at United Nations headquarters as dusk falls over Manhattan

The 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) will be the 1st session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III. WUF9 will be instrumental to substantively feed into the inputs for the first report of the implementation of the New Urban agenda. As the world’s premier conference on cities, the World Urban Forum (WUF) is a non-legislative technical forum convened by UN-Habitat, held since 2002. The theme of WUF9 is Cities 2030, Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda.

WUF9 therefore will provide a great opportunity to garner the efforts of all relevant actors to deliberate on, identify and commit to implementation of concrete solutions for the transformative commitments made in the New Urban Agenda (which are also fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals):

  • Sustainable Urban Development for social Inclusion and Ending Poverty
  • Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Prosperity and Opportunities for All
  • Environmentally Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development

WUF9 will also mobilize urban actors in national governments, subnational and local governments, civil society, private sector and academia to share knowledge and solutions for sustainable urban development; facilitate stakeholders’ inputs to monitoring and reporting on the New Urban Agenda and facilitate strong multi-stakeholder partnerships.

At WUF9, the Global Network for Disability Inclusive and Accessible Urban Development (DIAUD) and the GAP Partner Constituent Group for Persons with Disabilities will lead and participate in a series of discussions with global partners – ranging from governments and civil society to the private sector and academic – on building inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities for all.

The DIAUD/PWD-PCG delegates are focused on providing practical solutions for implementing the 2030 Agenda, the CRPD, and shaping a more inclusive urban future for all. Representatives will be advocating for clear commitments to the International Standards Organization’s accessibility standards, and the adoption of universal design principles as specified in Article 9 of the CRPD.

CBM along with World Enabled has drafted a document titled ‘The Inclusive Imperative: Towards Disability-Inclusive and Accessible Urban Development’. This document lists out the key recommendations for an Inclusive Urban Agenda. You can also access the ‘How to make cities accessible and inclusive’.

Check out the events of the Forum here.

More information about the WUF9 here.

Source: UN DSPD