Commemorating the UN charter

70 years ago after the Second World War, delegates from fifty nations came together and signed the UN Charter which was the founding document of the United Nations. Now to commemorate the seventy year anniversary of the document, Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon is returning to San Francisco where the Charter was first signed to renew the commitment towards the shaping of a better planetary future for all.

This 70th anniversary is falling on a year of potentially momentous decisions as the post-2015 agenda is set. Countries are shaping towards a new sustainable development agenda and moving towards a meaningful agreement on climate change.

When asked about the goals in the next year, the Secretary- General stated "as the distinctions between the national and the international continue to fall away, challenges faced by one become challenges faced by all, sometimes gradually but often suddenly. With our fates ever more entwined, our future must be one of ever deeper cooperation-nations united by a spirit of global citizenship that lives up the promise of the Organization's name."

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Source & Copyright: UN News Centre