“Commit2Dialogue: Partnerships for Prevention and Sustaining Peace” is the overarching theme of the
8th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC - www.unaoc.org), to be held
19-20 November, 2018, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Over the past few years we have
witnessed a rise of violent extremism, xenophobia, and discrimination. Intolerance and fear of the other continue
to prevail in many societies. There is an urgent need to re-commit to interreligious and intercultural dialogue and
to the promotion of tolerance, diversity and a culture of peace. To this end, the Forum provides an open space for
UNAOC Group of Friends, UN system entities, civil society including NGOs, faith-based organizations, media
and private sector to share good practices on ways to promote dialogue and understanding with partnerships that
The primary mission of UNAOC is to forge collective political will and to mobilize concerted action at
improving cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation among countries and diverse communities to prevent violence
and conflict, and promote social cohesion and peace. UNAOC focuses its activities on four priority areas:
Education, Youth, Media, Migration.
In addition, the Forum will place special focus on youth, recognizing that the complex and evolving nature of
conflict prevention and peacebuilding requires policy-makers to harness the potential and creativity of young
people. They are an overwhelmingly positive asset to our societies with their creativity and dynamism. General
Assembly Resolution 70/291 encouraged Member States, United Nations entities, regional and sub-regional
organizations and relevant actors to engage young people in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance and
intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The General Assembly also encouraged Member States to empower
youth through the promotion of media and information literacy, by including young people in decision-making
processes and the development of relevant programmes and initiatives aimed at preventing violent extremism as
and when conducive to terrorism.
Please click HERE for detailed information.
Source: UNAOC