Lenore Matthew from ILO's Cooperatives Unit (COOP) and the Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch (GED) is mapping the global provision of care through cooperatives. A synthesis of literature reviews, online surveys and key informant interviews has helped him conclude that cooperatives are increasingly providing care for the elderly, people with disabilities and children.
The objectives of the global mapping were to identify the ways in which cooperatives are providing care services across the globe, and to understand the role and potential of cooperatives as employers in the care economy.
Cooperatives in sectors such as agriculture, finance and housing are emerging in the care sector to address the specific population groups like the elderly, persons living with disabilities and children. In some cases, cooperatives are working in collaboration with, or as a part of well-established cooperatives. For instance, housing cooperatives have added on childcare services, based upon members’ needs. The participants in the study have emphasized that through their democratic and inclusive nature, cooperatives provide care in a different way, focusing on interdependence, rather than dependence.
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Source & Copyright: ILO