The side-event was held at the United Nations Headquarters on the 11th of June of 2024. It was organized by Belgium in collaboration with the European Union, and focused on the employment of persons with disabilities, and in particular on the role of States Parties, employers, and worker organizations in implementing Article 27 of the UNCRPD.
The panel included representatives of States Parties, including Ms Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality (EU), Hon. Dr. Norman Dunn, State Minister (Jamaica) and Ms Sara Janssens (BE) who highlighted the progress made regarding access to work for persons with disabilities as State Parties. Furthermore, the panel included representatives from civil society and international organizations. The speakers widely acknowledged the growing but insufficient interest in including persons with disabilities. Greater commitment is needed from all stakeholders.
In 2022, the European Commission launched its Disability Employment Package. The package of guidelines covers all stages of employment, from career guidance and hiring to ensuring reasonable accommodation, effective prevention, and retention of persons with disabilities at work. It also looks into alternative employment models and transition to the open labour market. The guidelines have been developed together with key stakeholders, such as civil society, social partners and EU member states. Several guidelines target public authorities and social partners and aim to offer comprehensive support to narrow the disability employment gap.
Employment rates remain too low and the inclusion of disability in social dialogue is still rare. According to the ILO based on a recent study on disability inclusion in social dialogue and collective bargaining, there are very few initiatives at company level but not at national level. ITUC notes that collective bargaining is crucial to encourage employers to invest in reasonable accommodation and to ensure decent work for persons with disabilities. IDA highlighted the need for commitment at all levels, greater collaboration in the areas of training, transfer of assistive technologies and changing the narrative around the employment of persons with disabilities.
For more information about the conference, please visit: https://social.desa.un.org/issues/disability/cosp/17th-session-of-the-conference-of-states-parties-to-the-crpd-cosp17
Source: Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN