At CSocD63, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations hosted the event UN Youth Delegates and Representatives Breakfast: Accelerating Action on Social Justice. The event aimed to encourage youth delegates to brainstorm ways in which social justice can be achieved through some key sustainable development goals, namely Goal 4: Quality Education and Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Topics discussed were social inclusion, the need for youth participation in formal institutions (e.g., Youth Parliament), and the importance of educational programmes that empower youth participation and fair labour practices to allow equal access and inclusion to all youth.
One speaker highlighted how social justice is an important issue in Switzerland and the foundation of peace and prosperity. Despite the progress made over the last 10 years, new challenges such as extreme poverty and gaps in social protection have left too many people behind. At the event, hosts and youth delegates spoke about what potential actions, policies, and measures could be taken to address this. They expressed concern over the fact that it is young people, along with women and informal workers, who are most vulnerable to these challenges. Further, the speakers determined that social justice must not only be an aspiration but a reality that will be recognised by everyone. It is the voice of young people that will help ensure that this reality is materialized.
Another speaker promoted the ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice, which has a special focus on Social Development. The coalition brings together partners, governments, NGOs, and those in the private sector to work on the 14 identified actions that address social gaps. This coalition comes from the recognition that there has been a global shift to a focus on economic growth and environmental issues, leaving the third pillar of social development forgotten.
Ultimately, it falls on the youth to tackle these issues because it is the youth that has the power to oversee and ensure the longevity of these changes. Speakers wish to remind youth worldwide, “You must recognise the power that you have”.
Source: UN DESA