Destinations for All 2018

People with reduced mobility make up 35% of the population and rarely travel alone. It is in the tourism sector’s interest to develop accessible destinations for a section of the population that expects only one thing: to be able to travel as easily as everyone else! Accessible tourism is a right. Persons with disabilities are entitled to travel and relax in the best possible conditions, as are families with young children, senior citizens and other people with special needs. Tackling discrimination and strengthening equality is our mission to make the tourism inclusive for everyone.

The 2nd World Summit On Accessible Tourism will take place in Brussels on 1-2 October 2018 under the theme "Destinations for All". The Summit aims at sharing and disseminating best practices as much possible with the tourism sector in order to consolidate a global network of destinations for all, accessible to people with specific needs.

Five core topics to help build obstacle-free travel for all:

The programme will include a series of innovative ideas, specific case studies, experiences and best practices during the plenary and parallel sessions throughout the two-day event. The main topics of discussion will be:

  1. Destination Management
  2. Hosting and Security
  3. Accommodation
  4. Transport and Mobility
  5. Leisure Products and Activities

In parallel to the Summit, an exhibition will allow you to discover accessible tourist destinations, products and services from all over the world.

The Summit and its Exhibition is an exclusive event designed specifically for all professionals in the hospitality industry and actors in the tourism chain who have a direct interest in inclusive tourism and who wish to offer an obstacle-free travel experience to all visitors:

  • Tourism organizations and companies responsible for destinations, travel, and transportation
  • Government decision makers
  • Destination managers
  • Civil society actors
  • Professional associations

Participating or exhibiting are unique opportunities to make B2B connections, exchange ideas, catch up on industry developments, strengthen client relationships, and forge important new business connections with 500+ highly invested attendees.

Join #dfa2018 to debate the latest innovations in accessible tourism.

Learn more about the 2018 World Summit On Accessible Tourism.

Source: Destinations for All 2018