Disability Inclusion in Company Responses to COVID-19

In May 2020, the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Global Business and Disability Network conducted two surveys – one for National Business and Disability Networks (NBDN) and one for those networks’ company members – to identify good practices and gaps in responding to the COVID-19 crisis in a disability-inclusive way.

In total, 159 companies from 22 countries (representing four regions) participated in the company survey, and 19 national networks participated in the NBDN survey.

The survey for member companies contained a total of 26 questions, with 24 closed questions and two open-ended questions. It was conducted online using the Qualtrics platform. The survey for NBDNs had 10 questions, 8 of them closed and two of them open-ended. It was conducted online using the Survey Monkey platform. Both surveys were conducted in English and Spanish.

The present report "Disability inclusion in company responses to COVID-19: Results of a survey among National Business and Disability Networks and their members" provides a summary of the surveys’ main findings, in the form of quantitative results and as examples of action taken by companies and NBDNs during the COVID-19 crisis. Given the relatively small sample size, the results are not representative of all NBDNs or companies active in disability inclusion. However, the results are indicative of the challenges networks and companies face in making their responses to COVID-19 disability inclusive, and they point to good practices that, if replicated, can help the post-COVID-19 world of work build back better.

For more information, please visit: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/disability-and-work/WCMS_750505/lang--en/index.htm

Source: International Labour Organization