ECOSOC to launch network tackling ‘monumental’ global employment challenge

As the Economic and Social Council concluded its three-day segment on boosting integration of the three pillars of sustainable development, the body’s Vice-President said he would work with the United Nations labour agency to follow-up on delegates’ work by launching an international entity to help address the issue of providing employment and decent work to people around the world.

“I am pleased to inform you that I and the Director-General of ILO are working towards launching a Global Network of Stakeholders on Employment Creation and Decent Work for Sustainable Development,” said Vladimir Drobnjak, Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). “We are holding consultations with the potential members of this network. This network will be Council’s contribution towards addressing this global challenge of monumental proportions.”

Mr. Drobnjak said the outcome of this week’s work would serve as an important contribution to ECOSOC’s high-level segment, including the high-level political forum on sustainable development and he stressed his confidence that countries and regions had had an opportunity to learn important lessons from one another regarding the issues at hand.

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Source & Copyright: UN News Centre