Tools to Address the Gaps in the Education Monitoring Agenda

©World Bank/Scott Wallace

SDG 4 is an ambitious goal, seeking to improve learning and skills from early childhood to adulthood. This will require new and improved data to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks and sharpen policies to ensure that every dollar invested in education makes a tangible difference to people’s lives. At present, however, the world gathers only around half of the data needed to monitor progress based on SDG 4 global education indicators.

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is launching two new tools to kick-start this process: an eAtlas mapping out the currently available global education indicators, and a Digest that sets out a roadmap to improve the measuring of education quality and equity. These new data products are the latest in a set of UIS initiatives to address the gaps in the education monitoring agenda.

For more information, please visit UNESCO's website.


UIS Digest:

Source and Copyright: UNESCO