13th February 2024, CSocD62 Virtual Side Event organized IBREA Foundation: This event highlighted the need to create a new story around poverty, a story of equality and inclusiveness, a story of togetherness. This comes with a change in mindset and consciousness, a change in culture that holds all of us responsible for the poverty gap, and brings us together to create balance.
At its core, participants emphasized that we need harmony. And this requires strong willpower and compassionate collaboration by all actors of society, from individuals to communities, to governments and corporations. That is what IBREA Foundation stands for and provides educational tools for.
IBREA Foundation supports UN SDG #1, eradicating poverty, through offering its program, Brain Education, a set of holistic mind-body education and healing processes that help individuals and communities bring out their capacities and develop healthy habits, physically, mentally, and cognitively. In their work in El Salvador over the course of more than 12 years, results show how these educational methods have helped beneficiary groups climb out of poverty. By creating more discipline, better focus, stronger will, and healthier lifestyles, even when the environment or circumstances might not have changed much, individuals were able to create better living conditions for themselves. They were able to find more creative ways to be more resilient and enduring and to establish more wealth for themselves and their families. Laura, who gave her testimonial, is one perfect example. She started our program back in 2011 and has since been with us. She started off poor, and with an intention to drop off school and is now a nationwide healer and trainer, providing for her family needs while helping the wider communities in all 14 regions of the country also grow and be empowered.
IBREA and other speakers firmly believe that this potential can become a reality through the power of education. Education is not merely the transmission of knowledge. As we are witnessing in El Salvador, it is the central means for personal growth, community empowerment, and societal transformation. IBREA Foundation is willing to be a catalyst for this transformation and poverty eradication through holistic education in other countries,
This event featured the following Speakers:
- Steve Kim, Executive Director, Earth Citizens Organization (ECO): The Art of Coexistence: How Coexistence Can Bridge the Poverty Gap
- Isabel Guzman, Executive Director, IBREA Foundation: Brain Education as a tool for lifting individuals and communities out of poverty
- Laura Calderon, IBREA Foundation participant and National Trainer in El Salvador: Live Testimony
- Kierra Foster Ba, Educator, NYC’s 9th City Council district: Poverty perspective in Harlem and how mind-body training methods can help
- Farzane Farazdaghi, Professor at Golden West College and the Institute of Brain Education (IBE), Global Studies: Global partnerships for poverty reduction
The event ended with a Q&A session where participants mostly shared their support and interest in the approach and program.
For more information about the 62nd Commission for Social Development (CSocD62), please visit: https://social.desa.un.org/csocd/62nd
Source: IBREA Foundation