Fair Play: Building a strong physical activity system for more active people

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed an increasingly connected world that is recognizing the vital importance of physical activity (PA) for mental and physical health. It has exposed vulnerabilities and inequities in opportunities
for communities and people to be active.

The current PA system is fragmented, uneven and unfair. This must change. Change, however, will require collective action from all stakeholders at all levels to deliver sustained communication campaigns, supportive environments, and access to programmes and services for all people to benefit from PA – no matter their age, gender, ability,
socio-economic status or geography.

COVID-19 recovery presents a unique catalyst for all countries to rebuild stronger, fairer and more sustainable PA systems that can reach the under-served and increase participation.

We have a global roadmap to reach the full potential of PA. The journey starts by understanding how financing
mechanisms and regulatory frameworks must align with a more integrated and interconnected PA system.

WHO launched a new advocacy brief calling for stronger multisectoral action to promote and enable more physical activity through provision of supportive environments, accessible programmes and sustained communication campaigns in all communities. It provides global guidance on priority actions and is suitable for use by advocates, government and non-government organizations. 

Read the advocacy brief here: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-HEP-HPR-RUN-2021.1

Source: WHO