Fostering socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities

Over 35 experts met from 11 to 12 November 2014 in Fukuoka, Japan to finalize the drafting of international guidelines on urban and territorial planning. In accordance with the Resolution 24/3 of UN-Habitat Governing Council, the experts will submit the 20 page draft Guidelines for consideration and further transmission to the 25th Governing Council of UN-Habitat in April 2015.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Christine Platt, Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting recalled the statement of Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General in April 2012 in New York: “Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in cities” She further stressed that the proposed Guidelines would set a key pathway for how this battle can be fought in order to achieve sustainable urbanization.

The proposed Guidelines constitute a global framework for improving policies, plans, designs and implementation processes for more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change.

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Source & Copyright: UN Habitat