Foundations as catalysts to promote inclusive employment models

Inclusive employment models for persons with disabilities are still far away from mainstream, with few differences between high-income countries and low-income countries. Developing and sharing good practices, as well as innovations, are indispensable for creating the systemic change and paradigm shift that we need. Foundations play a critical role in this process, by using their flexibility, as well as their ability both to take risks and to create cross-sectoral networks.

As one of the Side Events of the 13th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD, Essl Foundation - Zero Project, Fundacion Descúbreme, Stiftung myHandicap, Fundación ONCE and the GLAD (Global Action on Disability) network presented their unique models and open-up opportunities for partnerships and collaboration. Models covered selected good practices, models of scaling innovative solutions, of communicating and sharing of collaborative models across all societal sectors.

The session was moderated by Thomas Butcher from Essl Foundation. H.E. Amb. Alexander Marschik from the Permanent Mission of Austria, and H.E. Amb. Milenko Skoknic from the Permanent Mission of Chile provided their opening words to this Side Event.

Michael Fembek, Director of Zero Project at Essl Foundation in Vienna first introduced their project that has been built to bridge the gap, to build bridges, to create a world with zero barriers. They applied an extensive research process, extensive communications, engaging and co-creating with a vast network of thousands of people with and without disability every year, in the mission of promoting the most innovative practices as well as connecting and informing decision-makers, policymakers, opinion leaders across all sectors worldwide. Moreover, they have researched more than one thousand innovations since 2014, and have, therefore, built a database. They have also started to look at solutions – groups of innovators that work on similar solutions, but independently from each other.

Carola Rubia, Executive Director from Fundacion Descúbreme in Chile presented their inclusive employment model. The Labor Inclusion transformation model transferred from Charity to Self Sustainable. One of the model called PACTO, is a public-private partnership. It standardizes systemic approach to labor inclusion of people with disabilities in Chile with four components: Collaborative territorial model; Alliances; Dialogue; Knowledge. Zero Project and Fundacion Descúbreme cooperated on ICT program: "Innovation for Inclusion". The program is an alliance with Zero Project, Pacto de Productivedad, and BID LAB. They call for technological innovations that facilitate the labor inclusion of persons with disabilities and implement pilot projects in organizations in Chile.

Michael Lorz from Stiftung MyHandicap (EnableMe) in Switzerland covered a Simplified Impact Model of Foundation MyHandicap and EnableMe. EnableMe provides community-oriented technology solutions which connect, support and empower people with disabilities globally through critical information, community and value-add services. Their role as catalyst in digital inclusive employment solutions is shown in four perspectives: (1) Systems Leadership Thinking, (2) Scale what works in a GloCal approach, (3) Coaching & International learning, (4) Impact Driven.

After that, Javier Güemez Pedraza from Fundación ONCE, Spain presented their contributions in training employment plans in their country. They work with the disability movements and organizations over raising disability awareness, technology support, etc. Javier shared three main experiences of their cooperation with non-compulsory obligations to companies. And they published a joint publication "Making the future of work inclusive of people with disabilities".

Yetnebersh Nigussie from Global Action on Disability (GLAD) focused on how foundations can leverage and play a better role in promoting inclusive employment. Such practice includes physical and virtual involvement in each aspect of the hiring process, from drafting the descriptions to advertising jobs; unlocking resources to increase the employment of people with disabilities and support their failures at work; supporting people with disability as one of the humanitarian goals in their considerations and so on. The pandemic provides a great opportunity for foundations to think about creating inclusive workplaces and innovating the accessibility of work for people with disabilities.

The session was followed by a Q&A period when the speakers further emphasized and explained their views on how the pandemic open up the inclusive employment models, how to impact cross-sector exchange, and how foundations promote career development, etc.

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