Girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities should always be well treated

Girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities should always be well treated, like other children and adolescents, protecting them from all forms of violence and abuse. A good treatment will produce positive effects on their physical, mental and social development.

The mandate of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary- General on Disability and Accessibility is aimed at the general promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities and accessibility. The work focuses on the guiding principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the 2030 Agenda with its Sustainable Development Goals, incorporating the mainstreaming of awareness as a priority.

10 Principles of the Global Campaign "Good treatment of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities in the world",

In this role, she has developed the Global Campaign "Good treatment for girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities in the world", which has been launched in different regions. This Decalogue is the substantive content and for its preparation there has been an interdisciplinary work. It was prepared on the basis of interviews with girls and boys with disabilities and focus groups of adults with disabilities in relation to their experiences of childhood and adolescence.

Learn more about the 10 Principles, which are found in different languages ​​including some indigenous languages, as well as to spread them and to commit to them.

Source: Special Envoy of the UN SG on Disability and Accessibility