Global call on youth in post-2015 ahead of ECOSOC Forum

The ECOSOC Forum on Youth 2-3 June in New York is approaching fast. Building on input from over 1.2 million young people who voted in the MyWorld2015 survey, as well as the outcome of the crowdsourcing platform launched earlier this year, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi invites all youth organizations, including those who are among the 1,700 members of the Global partnership for youth in the post-2015 development agenda, as well as other partners, to endorse the Global call on youth in post-2015 ahead of the gathering in early June.

Based on the five thematic priorities from the MyWorld2015 survey – Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Health, Good Governance, and Peace and Stability – the crowdsourcing platform is run in partnership with ITU, UNFPA, the UN Millennium Campaign, The Major Group on Children and Youth, ICMYO (International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations), and the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development (IANYD). Drawing on the priorities identified in the above-mentioned online crowdsourcing exercise along with the results of recent global, regional and national youth consultations and meetings that have taken place in the context of the post-2015 development agenda process, a team of moderators from youth-led organizations and UN entities have synthesized their outcome and consolidated them into concrete youth-focused target areas, reflected in the Global call on youth in post-2015.

Read the complete outcome document for the Global call on youth in post-2015 here and endorse it here.

For more information, please click here.

Source & Copyright: © UN Secretary General's Envoy on Youth