Goal 1: End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere

Do you know that 20% people in developing regions still live on less than $1.25 per day, and there are millions more who make little more than this daily amount? Poverty is far more than the lack of income and resources to ensure sustainable livelihood.

Here are the facts and figures of poverty:

  • 836 million people still live in extreme poverty
  • About one in five persons in developing regions lives on less than $1.25 per day
  • The overwhelming majority of people living on less than $1.25 a day belong to two regions: Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa
  • High poverty rates are often found in small, fragile and conflict-affected countries
  • One in seven children under age five in the world has inadequate height for his or her age
  • Every day in 2014, 42,000 people had to abandon their homes to seek protection due to conflict

To read more, please click here.

Source & Copyright: UNSD