Guidance Notes on the Co-operative Principles

Co-operatives are businesses owned and run by and for their members. Whether the members are the customers, employees or residents they have an equal say in what the business does and a share in the profits.

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is the global steward of the Statement on the Co-operative Identity – the Values and Principles of the co-operative movement. As part of its stewardship of the co-operative identity, the Alliance’s Principles Committee – which has worked towards the goal of securing the co-operative identity of the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade – is pleased to share the Guidance Notes on the Co-operative Principles.

These Guidance Notes give detailed guidance and advice on the practical application of the Principles to co-operative enterprise. Their primary audience is the upcoming generation of co-operative leaders. They aim to help co-operators run their co-operatives more efficiently and effectively. We also hope that they will be a worldwide resource for educators, learners, regulators, decision-makers, public authorities, and for others seeking to understand how the Principles are to be applied in practice.

To read the Guidance Notes, please click here.

Source & Copyright: ICA