The 14th session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) from 20 to 22 and 24 May 2024 is an opportunity to ensure that older persons everywhere can age with security and dignity and participate fully in their societies as citizens with equal rights.
This year's session is particularly significant, as the Working Group will consider the proposed intergovernmental-negotiated recommendations submitted following decision 13/1 on the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons and possible gaps, as well as options for how best to address them.
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are expected to actively engage in this discussion actively, bringing valuable insights and perspectives to the table.
The session will also feature interactive panel discussions on "Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat (transport, housing and access)" and "Participation in public life and decision-making processes". The session will explore a possible international standard on the rights of older persons to "social inclusion" and the "right to health, and access to health services".
Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010, the objective of the Working Group is to consider the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons and identify possible gaps and how best to address them, including by considering, as appropriate, the feasibility of further instruments and measures.
For more information: 14th Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG)
Source: UN DESA