How can we bridge divides to build more inclusive societies?

2016 will be remembered for a rising tide of populism, nationalism and historically low levels of trust. The 2017 OECD Forum (6-7 June) placed a central emphasis on the need for policies winning back the confidence of those who feel left behind, fearful of the impact of globalization, increasing migration flows, and the unprecedented speed of technological development.

The central focus of the forum was on Bridging Divides at a time when:

  • increasing populism and nationalism
  • historically low levels of trust
  • the rapid pace of technological development
  • and the continued effects of the crisis

are having a disruptive impact on our societies and economies.

Divides have become apparent on a number of fronts. OECD Forum 2017 highlighted the importance of continuing our focus on developing more integrated, and inclusive economies and societies.

About the OECD Forum

Source: OECD