How Can We Eradicate Poverty by 2030?

The first goal in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is ending poverty in all its forms, which intents to eradicate, not just reduces poverty.

Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director, Oxfam International, wrote an article to figure out key factors that she believes will ensure to eradicate poverty by 2030.  First of all, implementation requires us to be political. Secondly, if we are asking poor governments to take on more responsibility, then power and control of resources must shift too. Thirdly, private sector delivery and financing is not a magic bullet.

She also mentioned that in the next 12 months , it is important to ensure that:

1) The  UN climate change summit deliver;
2) All governments, rich and poor, make national implementation plans;
3) Redistribution is no longer a taboo.

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Source & Copyright: World Economic Forum