How is the World of Work Changing?

According to a new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) only one quarter of workers worldwide is estimated to have a stable employment relationship. This study is among countries that have available data which is about 84% of the global workforce. Seventy five percent of the workers in these countries are employed on temporary or short-term contracts, do not have any contract at all, or are under their own arrangements. This data was concluded by the World Employment and Social Outlook 2015 (WESO). Of these workers, sixty percent lack any contract.

Even though wage and salaried work is growing globally, it still accounts for only half of global employment. An example of this variation is in Central and South-Eastern Europe around eight in ten workers are paid employees, however in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa this number is two in ten workers.

Part time employment is also becoming more popular, especially among women workers.

The changes that the world is seeing from traditional employment is due to the increase in poverty and inequality around the world. The solution that was provided by the ILO was to make sure that policies are created with today's workers in mind; that means creating policies that will stimulate investment opportunities to boost job creation and productivity, and to ensure adequate income security to all types of workers, not just the ones with contracts.

To read more about this study, please click here.

Source & Copyright: ILO