How Zambia is greening its way out of poverty

Situated in south-central Africa and bordering eight countries offering
, peaceful and stable Zambia is approximately three times the size of the UK. Endowed with natural resources such as copper and hydropower, it ranks among the top 10 fastest growing economies in Africa.

Growth, however, has not had much positive impact for the majority of Zambian people who are still living below the poverty line, often surviving on less than U$ 1.25 per day. Additionally, growth industries such as mining and construction sectors have taken their toll on the environment (through land degradation, energy consumption and pollution).

Faced with unemployment – especially among women and youth, high levels of inequality and poverty, as well as a housing backlog and a number of environmental challenges, the government of Zambia has launched a Green Jobs Programme that promotes green technologies in the construction sector. As the world discusses actions to mitigate climate change at the COP 21 in Paris, beneficiaries and stakeholders of the Programme explained to ILO News the impact that green jobs can have on Zambia's future and its people offering Tramadol overnight.

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Source & Copyright: ILO