I am standing with these refugees,' says Ban visiting reception centre in Rome

On October 17, after meeting with families of refugees at a reception centre in Italy today, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the global community has to “stand with people who do not have any means” and provide basic necessities, such as education and sanitation.

Mr. Ban said he knows that European countries are facing many challenges, but insisted that this is not a “crisis of numbers.” As a first measure, the UN chief said it is important to give refugees life-saving support, such as education and sanitation, which as basic necessities “that every human being needs.”

He also highlighted his gratefulness of the support given by many European leaders and countries, and by people.

He further recalled that when Pope Francis came to the United Nations last month, he spoke to the leaders of the world. “If I may quote him, he said: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' That was most fitting and inspiring, especially at this time.”

Concluding his remarks, Mr. Ban said he counts on the compassionate leadership of leaders around the world.

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