In Republic of Korea, UN's Ban says education key for global peace and stability

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has returned to his native Republic of Korea (ROK) for the first time in two years in order to attend a series of international events, including a critical summit on education and development, the United Nations confirmed today.

In remarks to the press, the Secretary-General noted that he had arrived in the city of Incheon in order to attend the World Education Forum jointly hosted by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Korean government.

“Education tops the global agenda for peace and stability and development in the world,” explained Mr. Ban as he addressed reporters. “At the [World Education Forum], world's education leaders, the Korean government and the UN will discuss how education will lead to world peace and development.”

The Secretary-General also observed that he would attend a range of other UN events, including the UN Global Compact and Academic Impact, as well as events aimed at facilitating discussion on regional peace and development of information and communications technology.

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Source & Copyright: UN News Centre


At the same time, the Secretary-General is also scheduled to meet with Speaker of the National Assembly Chung Ui-hwa and other leaders from the National Assembly as well as Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se in order to discuss Korea-UN cooperation and UN-Korea relations.